Astrochemistry Publications from 2007
(abstract links go to journal pages; abbreviations are expanded on the JOURNALS link page)

Recent Additions
December 2007

"Gas phase reaction kinetics at very low temperatures: recent advances on carbon chemistry using the CRESU technique." A. Canosa. Russ Chem Rev 76:1093 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Water and astrobiology." M. J. Mottl, B. T. Glazer, R. I. Kaiser, and K. J. Meech. Geochem 67:253-282 (2007) ABSTRACT

"Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy on meteorites." A. De Giacomo, M. Dell'Aglio, O. De Pascale, S. Longo, and M. Capitelli. Spectrochim Acta B 62:1606-1611 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Io's atmosphere." E. Lellouch, M. A. McGrath, and K. Lea Jessup. In Io After Galileo (R. M. C. Lopes and J. R. Spencer, eds.), Springer Praxis Books, pp. 231-264 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ultraviolet photolysis of anthracene in H2O interstellar ice analogs: Potential connection to meteoritic organics." A. F. M. Ashbourn, J. E. Elsila, J. P. Dworkin, M. P. Bernstein, S. A. Sandford, and L. J. Allamandola. Meteor Planet Sci 42:2035-2041 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Prebiotic carbon in clays from Orgueil and Ivuna (CI), and Tagish Lake (C2 ungrouped) meteorites." L. A. J. Garvie and P. R. Buseck. Meteor Planet Sci 42:2111-2117 (2007). ABSTRACT

" Indigenous amino acids in primitive CR meteorites." Z. Martins, C. M. O. D. Alexander, G. E. Orzechowska, M. L. Fogel, and P. Ehrenfreund. Meteor Planet Sci 42:2125-2136 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Fourth Positive System of Carbon Monoxide in the Hubble Space Telescope Spectra of Comets." R. E. Lupu, P. D. Feldman, H. A. Weaver, and G.-P. Tozzi. ApJ 670:1473-1484 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Microwave spectrum of the H2DO+ ion: Inversion-rotation transitions and inversion splitting." T. Furuya, S. Saito, and M. Araki. J Chem Phys 127:244314 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Titan airglow spectra from Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS): EUV analysis." J. M. Ajello, M. H. Stevens, I. Stewart, K. Larsen, L. Esposito, J. Colwell, W. McClintock, G. Holsclaw, J. Gustin, and W. Pryor. Geophys Res Lett 34:L24204 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hydrogen adsorption and diffusion on amorphous solid water ice." A. Al-Halabi and E. F. van Dishoeck. MNRAS 382:1648-1656 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Silica grain catalysis of methanol formation." T. P. M. Goumans, A. Wander, C. R. A. Catlow, and W. A. Brown. MNRAS 382:1829-1832 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Formaldehyde as a Tracer of Extragalactic Molecular Gas. I. Para-H2CO Emission from M82." S. Mühle, E. R. Seaquist, and C. Henkel. ApJ 671:1579-1590 (2007). ABSTRACT

"H3+ in Diffuse Interstellar Clouds: A Tracer for the Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate." N. Indriolo, T. R. Geballe, T. Oka, and B. J. McCall. ApJ 671:1736-1747 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecular Line Observations of the Small Protostellar Group L1251B." J.-E. Lee, J. Di Francesco, T. L. Bourke, N. J. Evans II, and J. Wu. ApJ 671:1748-1765 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Galactic Edge Clouds. I. Molecular Line Observations and Chemical Modeling of Edge Cloud 2." P. M. E. Ruffle, T. J. Millar, H. Roberts, D. A. Lubowich, C. Henkel, J. M. Pasachoff, and G. Brammer. ApJ 671:1766-1783 (2007). ABSTRACT

"An Ab Initio Study of the Structures, Vibrational Spectra, and Energetics of AlSHX (X = -1, 0, +1)." S. Guha and J. S. Francisco. ApJ 671:2159-2163 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Interstellar Molecule CCCN May Be Formed by Charge-Stripping of [CCCN]- in the Gas Phase, and When Energized, Undergoes Loss of C with Partial Carbon Scrambling." M. J. Maclean, M. Fitzgerald, and J. H. Bowie. J Phys Chem A 111:12932-12937 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Adiabatic Capture Theory Applied to N + NH → N2 + H at Low Temperature." T. J. Frankcombe and G. Nyman. J Phys Chem A 111:13163-13167 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Computational Study on the Structures of the [H, Si, N, C, O] Isomers: Possible Species of Interstellar Interest." M. R. Dover and C. J. Evans. J Phys Chem A 111:13148-13156 ABSTRACT

"Laboratory detection of the elusive HSCO+ isomer." M. C. McCarthy and P. Thaddeus. J Chem Phys 127:221104 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Electronic and Vibrational Spectroscopy of Diamondoids and the Interstellar Infrared Bands between 3.35 and 3.55 μm." C. W. Bauschlicher, Jr., Y. Liu, A. Ricca, A. L. Mattioda, and L. J. Allamandola. ApJ 671:458-469 (2007). ABSTRACT

"NICMOS Observations of Shocked H2 in Orion." S. W. J. Colgan, A. S. B. Schultz, M. J. Kaufman, E. F. Erickson, and D. J. Hollenbach. ApJ 671:536-545 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Water in Comet C/2003 K4 (LINEAR) with Spitzer." C. E. Woodward, M. S. Kelley, D. Bockelée-Morvan, and R. D. Gehrz. ApJ 671:1065-1074 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Mid-infrared (5-100 μm) reflectance spectra and optical constants of ten phyllosilicate minerals." T. D. Glotch, G. R. Rossman, and O. Aharonson. Icarus 192:605-622 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hydrate sulfuric acid after sulfur implantation in water ice." G. Strazzulla, G.A. Baratta, G. Leto, and O. Gomis. Icarus 192:623-628 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Vibrational inelastic and charge transfer processes in H+ + H2 system: An ab initio study." S. Amaran and S. Kumar. J Chem Phys 127:214304 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Search for ortho-benzyne (o-C6H4) in CRL 618." S. L. Widicus Weaver, A. J. Remijan, R. J. McMahon, and B. J. McCall. ApJ 671:L153-L156 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Silicate Dust in the Environment of RS Ophiuchi following the 2006 Eruption." A. Evans, C. E. Woodward, L. A. Helton, J. T. van Loon, R. K. Barry, M. F. Bode, R. J. Davis, J. J. Drake, S. P. S. Eyres, T. R. Geballe, R. D. Gehrz, T. Kerr, J. Krautter, D. K. Lynch, J.-U. Ness, T. J. O'Brien, J. P. Osborne, K. L. Page, R. J. Rudy, R. W. Russell, G. Schwarz, S. Starrfield, and V. H. Tyne. ApJ 671:L157-L160 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Anharmonic Spectroscopic Study of the Ground Electronic State of Various C4 Radical Isotopomers." M. L. Senent, H. Massó, and M. Hochlaf. ApJ 670:1510-1517 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Carbonaceous dust grains in luminous infrared galaxies. Spitzer/IRS reveals a-C:H as an abundant and ubiquitous ISM component." E. Dartois and G. M. Muñoz-Caro. A&A 476:1235-1242 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Vibrational spectroscopy of neutral complexes of Fe and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons." Y. Wanga, J. Szczepanski, and M. Vala. Chem Phys 342:107-118 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A search for CO+ in planetary nebulae." T. A. Bell, W. Whyatt, S. Viti, and M. P. Redman. MNRAS 382:1139-1144 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A survey of SiO 5 → 4 emission towards outflows from massive young stellar objects." A. G. Gibb, C. J. Davis, and T. J. T. Moore. MNRAS 382:1213-1224 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Discovery of atomic and molecular mid-infrared emission lines in off-nuclear regions of NGC 1275 and NGC 4696 with the Spitzer Space Telescope." R. M. Johnstone, N. A. Hatch, G. J. Ferland, A. C. Fabian, C. S. Crawford, and R. J. Wilman. MNRAS 382:1246-1260 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecular fluorine chemistry in the early Universe." D. Puy, V. Dubrovich, A. Lipovka, D. Talbi, and P. Vonlanthen. A&A 476:685-689 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A spectral line survey of Orion KL in the bands 486-492 and 541-577 GHz with the Odin satellite. I. The observational data." N. Koning, P. Bergman, P. F. Bernath, J. H. Black, U. Frisk, W. Geppert, T. I. Hasegawa, Å. Hjalmarson, S. Kwok, B. Larsson, A. Lecacheux, A. Nummelin, M. Olberg, A. Sandqvist, and E. S. Wirström. A&A 476:791-806 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A spectral line survey of Orion KL in the bands 486-492 and 541-577 GHz with the Odin satellite. II. Data analysis ." C. M. Persson, A. O. H. Olofsson, N. Koning, P. Bergman, P. Bernath, J. H. Black, U. Frisk, W. Geppert, T. I. Hasegawa, Å. Hjalmarson, S. Kwok, B. Larsson, A. Lecacheux, A. Nummelin, M. Olberg, A. Sandqvist, and E. S. Wirström. A&A 476:807-827 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Band profiles and band strengths in mixed H2O-CO ices." J. Bouwman, W. Ludwig, Z. Awad, K. I. Öberg, G. W. Fuchs, E. F. van Dishoeck, and H. Linnartz. A&A 476:995-1003 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Reinvestigation of the ground and first torsional state of methylformate." M. Carvajal, F. Willaert, J. Demaison, and I. Kleiner. J Mol Spectrosc 246:158-166 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Lineshapes of the 172 and 602 GHz rotational transitions of HC15N." F. Rohart, L. Nguyen, J. Buldyreva, J.-M. Colmont and G. Wlodarczak. J Mol Spectrosc 246:213-227 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Acid-Base Chemistry at the Ice Surface: Reverse Correlation Between Intrinsic Basicity and Proton-Transfer Efficiency to Ammonia and Methyl Amines." S.-C. Park, J.-K. Kim, C.-W. Lee, E.-S. Moon, and H. Kang. Chem Phys Chem 8:2520-2525 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical investigation of the potential energy surface for the N(4S) + C2H3 reaction via density functional theory and ab initio molecular electronic structure theory." C. Feng, W. Zhang, B. Du, and L. Mu. J Mol Struct THEOCHEM 847:79-85 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Desorption from interstellar ices." J. F. Roberts, J. M. C. Rawlings, S. Viti, and D. A. Williams. MNRAS 382:733-742 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Electron-impact rotational and hyperfine excitation of HCN, HNC, DCN and DNC." A. Faure, H. N. Varambhia, T. Stoecklin, and J. Tennyson. MNRAS 382:840-848 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of Acetylene toward Cepheus A East with Spitzer." P. Sonnentrucker, E. González-Alfonso, and D. A. Neufeld. ApJ 671:L37-L40 (2007). ABSTRACT

"HNC, HCN and CN in Seyfert galaxies." J. P. Pérez-Beaupuits, S. Aalto, and H. Gerebro. A&A 476:177-192 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spatially extended polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in circumstellar disks around T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars." V. C. Geers, E. F. van Dishoeck, R. Visser, K. M. Pontoppidan, J.-C. Augereau, E. Habart, and A. M. Lagrange. A&A 476:279-289 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Formation, fractionation, and excitation of carbon monoxide in diffuse clouds." H. S. Liszt. A&A 476:291-300 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Multi-line (sub)millimetre observations of the high-mass proto cluster IRAS 05358+3543." S. Leurini, H. Beuther, P. Schilke, F. Wyrowski, Q. Zhang, and K. M. Menten. A&A 475:925-939 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Modeling the water line emission from the high-mass star-forming region AFGL 2591." D. R. Poelman and F. F. S. van der Tak. A&A 475:949-958 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Interferometric imaging of the sulfur-bearing molecules H2S, SO, and CS in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)." J. Boissier, D. Bockelée-Morvan, N. Biver, J. Crovisier, D. Despois, B. G. Marsden, and R. Moreno. A&A 475:1131-1144 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hydrogen Peroxide on Enceladus." S. F. Newman, B. J. Buratti, R. Jaumann, J. M. Bauer, and T. W. Momary. ApJ 670:L143-L146 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Enrichment of the solar system by organic compounds delivered from evolved stars." S. Kwok. Adv Space Res 40:1613-1619 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical spectra of PAHs in modeling astrophysical IR features." A. Pathak and S. Rastogi. Adv Space Res 40:1620-1627 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Amino acids formed from the UV/EUV irradiation of inorganic ices of astrophysical interest." M. Nuevo, Y.-J. Chen, T.-S. Yih, W.-H. Ip, H.-S. Fung, C.-Y. Cheng, H.-R. Tsai, and C.-Y. R. Wu. Adv Space Res 40:1628-1633 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Possible prebiotic synthesis of monosaccharides from formaldehyde in presence of phosphates." A. N. Simonov, O. P. Pestunova, L. G. Matvienko, V. N. Snytnikov, O. A. Snytnikova, Y. P. Tsentalovich, and V. N. Parmon. Adv Space Res 40:1634-1640 (2007). ABSTRACT

"keV ion irradiation assisted prebiotic synthesis of oligopeptide in the solar system." W. Wang, H. Yuan, X. Wang, and Z. Yu. Adv Space Res 40:1641-1645 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Abiotic formation of acylglycerols under simulated hydrothermal conditions and self-assembly properties of such lipid products." B. R. T. Simoneit, A. I. Rushdi, and D. W. Deamer. Adv Space Res 40:1649-1656 (2007). ABSTRACT

November 2007

"Characterization of porosity in vapor-deposited amorphous solid water from methane adsorption" U. Raut, M. Famá, B. D. Teolis, and R. A. Baragiola. J Chem Phys 127:204713 (2007) ABSTRACT

"The insoluble organic matter in carbonaceous chondrites: Chemical structure, isotopic composition and origin." L. Remusat, F. Robert, and S. Derenne. Compte Rendu Geosciences 339:895 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Discovery of heavy negative ions in Titan's ionosphere." A. J. Coates, F. J. Crary, G. R. Lewis, D. T. Young, J. H. Waite Jr., and E. C. Sittler, Jr. Geophys Res Lett 34:L22103 (2007). ABSTRACT   NEGATIVE IONS IN TITAN'S ATMOSPHERE

"A warm layer in Venus' cryosphere and high-altitude measurements of HF, HCl, H2O and HDO." J.-L. Bertaux, A.-C. Vandaele, O. Korablev, E. Villard, A. Fedorova, D. Fussen, E. Quémerais, D. Belyaev, A. Mahieux, F. Montmessin, C. Muller, E. Neefs, D. Nevejans, V. Wilquet, J. P. Dubois, A. Hauchecorne, A. Stepanov, I. Vinogradov, A. Rodin, and the SPICAV/SOIR team. Nature 450:646-649 (2007). ABSTRACT

"New insights in the formation of thioxophosphine: A quantum chemical study." R. B. Viana and A. S. Pimentel. J Chem Phys 127:204306 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Electronic Spectrum of the AlC2 Radical." E. Chasovskikh, E. B. Jochnowitz, E. Kim, J. P. Maier, and I. Navizet. J Phys Chem A 111:11986-11989 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ab initio study of KN." K. Ishii, T. Taketsugu, and K. Yamashita. J Chem Phys 127:194307 (2007). ABSTRACT

"On the possible luminescence nature of unidentified cometary emissions." I. Simonia. Astrophys Space Sci 312L27-33 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy of the C3N radical." K. Hoshina and Y. Endo. J Chem Phys 127:184304 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A crossed beam investigation of the reactions of tricarbon molecules, C3 (X1Σg+), with acetylene, C2H2 (X1Σg+), ethylene, C2H4 (X1Ag), and benzene, C6H6 (X1Ag)." X. Gu, Y. Guo, A. M. Mebel, and R. I. Kaiser. Chem Phys Lett 449:44-52 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Radical-Molecule Reaction C3H + H2O on Amorphous Water Ice: A Promising Route for Interstellar Propynal." H. Xie, C. Shao , and Y. Ding. ApJ 670:449-456 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Distribution of H13CN in the Circumstellar Envelope around IRC+10216." F. L. Schöier, D. Fong, J. H. Bieging, D. J. Wilner, K. Young, and T. R. Hunter. ApJ 670:766-773 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The excitation of molecular hydrogen by atomic hydrogen in astrophysical media." S. A. Wrathmall, A. Gusdorf and D. R. Flower. MNRAS 382:133-138 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Investigation of MgO as a candidate for the primary nucleating dust species around M stars." J. S. Bhatt and I. J. Ford. MNRAS 382:291-298 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Temperatures of aqueous alteration and evidence for methane generation on the parent bodies of the CM chondrites." W. Guo and J. M. Eiler. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 71:5565-5575 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Water Vapor Emission from IRC +10216 and Other Carbon-Rich Stars: Model Predictions and Prospects for Multitransition Observations." E. González-Alfonso, David A. Neufeld, and Gary J. Melnick. ApJ 669:412-423 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Low energy H+CO scattering revisited. CO rotational excitation with new potential surfaces." B. C. Shepler, B. H. Yang, T. J. Dhilip Kumar, P. C. Stancil, J. M. Bowman, N. Balakrishnan, P. Zhang, E. Bodo, and A. Dalgarno. A&A 475:L15-L18 (2007. ABSTRACT

"Luminous HC3N line and the HCN/HCO+ ratio in NGC 4418." S. Aalto, R. Monje, and S. Martín. A&A 475:479-485 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Energetic radiation and the sulfur chemistry of protostellar envelopes: submillimeter interferometry of AFGL 2591." A. O. Benz, P. Stäuber, T. L. Bourke, F. F. S. van der Tak, E. F. van Dishoeck, and J. K. Jørgensen. A&A 475:549-558 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Survival of icy grains in debris discs. The role of photosputtering." A. Grigorieva, P. Thébault, P. Artymowicz, and A. Brandeker. A&A 475:755-764 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Titan 14N/15N and 12C/13C isotopic ratios in HCN from Cassini/CIRS." S. Vinatier, B. Bézard and C. A. Nixon. Icarus 191:712-721 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ion chemistry and N-containing molecules in Titan's upper atmosphere." V. Vuitton, R. V. Yelle, and M. J. McEwan. Icarus 191:722-742 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Prebiotic organic synthesis in early Earth and Mars atmospheres: Laboratory experiments with quantitative determination of products formed in a cold plasma flow reactor." M. N. Heinrich, B. N. Khare, and C. P. McKay. Icarus 191:765-778 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Quantum Chemical Evaluation of the Astrochemical Significance of Reactions between S Atom and Acetylene or Ethylene." D. E. Woon. J Phys Chem A 111:11249-11253 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A multiconfigurational approach of the symmetry breaking problem in the cyclic C3H radical." P. Halvick. Chem Phys 340:79-84 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Using Chemistry to Unveil the Kinematics of Starless Cores: Complex Radial Motions in Barnard 68." S. Maret, E. A. Bergin, and C. J. Lada. ApJ 670:L25-L28 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of Methane on Kuiper Belt Object (50000) Quaoar." E. L. Schaller and M. E. Brown. ApJ 670:L49-L51 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecular Line Radiative Transfer in Protoplanetary Disks: Monte Carlo Simulations versus Approximate Methods." Y. Pavlyuchenkov, D. Semenov, T. Henning, S. Guilloteau, V. Pi&eactute;tu, R. Launhardt, and A. Dutrey. ApJ 669:1262-1278 (2007). ABSTRACT

"On Constraining a Transiting Exoplanet's Rotation Rate with Its Transit Spectrum." D. S. Spiegel, Z. Haiman, and B. S. Gaudi. ApJ 669:1324-1335 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Temperature-dependent Formation of Ozone in Solid Oxygen by 5 keV Electron Irradiation and Implications for Solar System Ices." B. Sivaraman, C. S. Jamieson, N. J. Mason, and R. I. Kaiser. ApJ 669:1414-1421 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Dynamical Study of the Si+ + H2O Reaction." J. R. Flores. J Phys Chem A 111:10899-10906 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photochemical and Discharge-Driven Pathways to Aromatic Products from 1,3-Butadiene." J. J. Newby, J. A. Stearns, C.-P. Liu, and T. S. Zwier. J Phys Chem A 111:10914-10927 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hanle effect in the CN violet system with LTE modeling." A. I. Shapiro, S. V. Berdyugina, D. M. Fluri, and J. O. Stenflo. A&A 475:349-357 (2007) . ABSTRACT

"The fractional ionization in dark molecular clouds." D. R. Flower, G. Pineau des Forêts, and C. M. Walmsley. A&A 474:923-930 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Quantitative optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of H2 towards HH91A." R. Gredel. A&A 474:941-950 (2007). ABSTRACT

"H-atom bombardment of CO2, HCOOH, and CH3CHO containing ices." S. E. Bisschop, G. W. Fuchs, E. F. van Dishoeck, and H. Linnartz. A&A 474:1061-1071 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Carbon isotopic enrichment in Titan's tholins? Implications for Titan's aerosols." M.-J. Nguyen, F. Raulin, P. Coll, S. Derenne, C. Szopa, G. Cernogora, G. Israël and J.-M. Bernard. P&SS 55:2010-2014 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Chemical kinetic model for the lower atmosphere of Venus." V. A. Krasnopolsky. Icarus 191:25-37 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spatially resolved observations of the forbidden SO a1Δ → X3Σ- rovibronic transition on Io during an eclipse and a volcanic eruption at Ra Patera." I. de Pater, C. Laver, F. Marchis, H. G. Roe, and B. A. Macintosh. Icarus:191:172-182 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Titan's corona: The contribution of exothermic chemistry." V. De La Haye, J. H. Waite Jr., T. E. Cravens, A. F. Nagy, R. E. Johnson, S. Lebonnois, and I. P. Robertson. Icarus 191:236-250 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Physisorption of CO2 on non-ice materials relevant to icy satellites." C. A. Hibbitts and J. Szanyi. Icarus 191:371-380 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of 13CH3D on Titan." B. Bézard, C. A. Nixon, I. Kleiner, and D. E. Jennings. Icarus 191:397-400 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Do We Need to Know the Temperature in Prestellar Cores?" Y. Pavlyuchenkov, T. Henning, and D. Wiebe. ApJ 669:L101-L104 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Improved Rest Frequencies of HCO+ at 1 THz." F. Tinti, L. Bizzocchi, C. Degli Esposti, and L. Dore. ApJ 669:L113-L116 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Clathrate hydrates as a sink of noble gases in Titan's atmosphere." C. Thomas, O. Mousis, V. Ballenegger, and S. Picaud. A&A 474:L17-L20 (2007). ABSTRACT

"K-H2 quasi-molecular absorption detected in the T-dwarf ε Indi Ba." F. Allard, N. F. Allard, D. Homeier, J. Kielkopf, M. J. McCaughrean, and F. Spiegelman. A&A 474:L21-L24 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Excitation mechanisms in newly discovered H2-bearing damped Lyman-α clouds: systems with low molecular fractions." P. Noterdaeme, C. Ledoux, P. Petitjean, F. Le Petit, R. Srianand, and A. Smette. A&A 474:393-407 (2007). ABSTRACT

"PAHs in the halo of NGC 5529." J. A. Irwin, H. Kennedy, T. Parkin, and S. Madden. A&A 474:461-472 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Possible gas-phase syntheses for seven neutral molecules studied recently with the Green Bank Telescope." D. Quan and E. Herbst. A&A 474:521-527 (2007). ABSTRACT

October 2007

"Interaction of atomic and molecular deuterium with a nonporous amorphous water ice surface between 8 and 30 K." L. Amiaud, F. Dulieu, J.-H. Fillion, A. Momeni, and J. L. Lemaire. J Chem Phys 127:144709 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Oxygen-rich Mass Loss with a Pinch of Salt: NaCl in the Circumstellar Gas of IK Tauri and VY Canis Majoris." S. N. Milam, A. J. Apponi, N. J. Woolf, and L. M. Ziurys. ApJ 668, L131-L134 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical study on the potential energy surface of NC3P isomers." H.Liu, X. Huang, Y. Ding, and C. Sun. Theor Chem Acc 118:739-754 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Laboratory simulation of UV irradiation from the Sun on amino acids. II. Irradiation of phenylalanine and tryptophan." F. Scappini, M. L. Capobianco, F. Casadei, R. Zamboni, and P. Giorgianni. Int J Astrobiology 6:281-289 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Concerted Proton-Transfer Mechanism and Solvation Effects in the HNC/HCN Isomerization on the Surface of Icy Grain Mantles in the Interstellar Medium." D. M. Koch, C. Toubin, S. Xu, G. H. Peslherbe, and J. T. Hynes. J Phys Chem C 111:15026-15033 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Observation of C8H- toward IRC+10216." K. Kawaguchi, R. Fujimori, S. Aimi, S. Takano, E. Y. Okabayashi, H. Gupta, S. Brünken, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. Publ Astron Soc Japan 59:869-887 (2007). ISSUE TABLE OF CONTENTS

"Chemical evolution: The mechanism of the formation of adenine under prebiotic conditions." D. Roy, K. Najafian, and P. v. R. Schleyer. Proc Nat Acad Sci 104:17272-17277 (2007). ABSTRACT    FORMATION OF ADENINE

"An eight-degree-of-freedom, time-dependent quantum dynamics study for the H2+C2H reaction on a new modified potential energy surface." D. Wang and W. M. Huo. J Chem Phys 127:154304 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photoabsorption cross sections of NH3, NH2D, NHD2, and ND3 in the spectral range 110-144 nm." Y.-J. Wu, H.-C. Lu, H.-K. Chen, B.-M. Cheng, Y.-P. Lee, and L. C. Lee. J Chem Phys 127:154311 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ab initio characterization of C5." H. Massó, V. Veryazov, P.-Å. Malmqvist, B. O. Roos, and M. L. Senent. J Chem Phys 127:154318 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Slow electron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy of the C4H- and C4D- anions." J. Zhou, E. Garand, and D. M. Neumark. J Chem Phys 127:154320 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Coupled cluster investigation on the low-lying electronic states of CuCN and CuNC and the ground state barrier to isomerization." A. Paul, Y. Yamaguchi, and H. F. Schaefer, III. J Chem Phys 127:154324 (2007). ABSTRACT

"NanoSIMS isotopic analysis of small presolar grains: Search for Si3N4 grains from AGB stars and Al and Ti isotopic compositions of rare presolar SiC grains." E. Zinner, S. Amari, R. Guinness, C. Jennings, A. F. Mertz, A. N. Nguyen, R. Gallino, P. Hoppe, M. Lugaro, L. R. Nittler, and R. S. Lewis. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 71:4786-4813 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Infrared band intensities of cyanobutadiyne (HC5N) between 400 and 4000 cm-1." Y. Bénilan, A. Jolly, Y. Trolez, F. Raulin, and J.-C. Guillemin. J Mol Spectrosc 245:109-114 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A review of selected issues concerning the chemistry in Venus' middle atmosphere." F. P. Mills and M. Allen. P&SS 55:1729-1740 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of SiO emission from a massive dense cold core." N. Lo, M. Cunningham, I. Bains, M. G. Burton and G. Garay. MNRAS 381:L30-L34 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy of the isocyanomethyl radical CH2NC." T. Hirao, H. Ozeki, S. Saito, and S. Yamamoto. J Chem Phys 127:134312 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Time-dependent oxygen isotopic effects of CO self shielding across the solar protoplanetary disk." E. D. Young. Earth Planet Sci Lett 262:468-483 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Dust in the Wind: Crystalline Silicates, Corundum, and Periclase in PG 2112+059." F. Markwick-Kemper, S. C. Gallagher, D. C. Hines, and J. Bouwman. ApJ 668:L107-L110 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Spitzer Search for Water in the Transiting Exoplanet HD 189733b." D. Ehrenreich, G. Hébrard, A Lecavelier des Etangs, D. K. Sing, J.-M. Désert, F. Bouchy, R. Ferlet, and A. Vidal-Madjar. ApJ 668:L179-L182 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Carbonates in Space: The Challenge of Low-Temperature Data." T. Posch, A. Baier, H. Mutschke, and T. Henning. ApJ 668:993-1000 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Laboratory Simulation of Competition between Hydrogenation and Photolysis in the Chemical Evolution of H2O-CO Ice Mixtures." N. Watanabe, O. Mouri, A. Nagaoka, T. Chigai, A. Kouchi, and V. Pirronello. ApJ 668:1001-1011 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Evolution of Dust and Ice Features around FU Orionis Objects." S. P. Quanz, T. Henning, J. Bouwman, R. van Boekel, A. Juhász, H. Linz, K. M. Pontoppidan, and F. Lahuis. ApJ 668:359-383 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Crystallization Experiments on Amorphous Silicates with Chondritic Composition: Quantitative Formulation of the Crystallization." K. Murata, H. Chihara, A. Tsuchiyama, C. Koike, T. Takakura, T. Noguchi, and T. Nakamura. ApJ 668:285-293 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Excitation of N2H+ in Interstellar Molecular Clouds. II. Observations." F. Daniel, J. Cernicharo, E. Roueff, M. Gerin, and M. L. Dubernet. ApJ 667:980-1001 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Dissociative recombination of H3+ in the ground and excited vibrational states." S. F. dos Santos, V. Kokoouline, and C. H. Greene. J Chem Phys 127:124309 (2007). ABSTRACT

"High sensitivity CW-cavity ring down spectroscopy of CH4 in the 1.55 μm transparency window." A. W. Liu, S. Kassi, and A. Campargue. Chem Phys Lett 447:16-20 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Global reaction route mapping on potential energy surfaces of C2H7+ and C3H9+." Y. Watanabe, S. Maeda, and K. Ohno. Chem Phys Lett 447:21-26 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Organic Volatiles in Comet 73P-B/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 Observed during Its Outburst: A Clue to the Formation Region of the Jupiter-Family Comets." H. Kobayashi, H. Kawakita, M. J. Mumma, B. P. Bonev, J. Watanabe, and T. Fuse. ApJ 668:L75-L78 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Simulation of the Formation and Morphology of Ice Mantles on Interstellar Grains." H. M. Cuppen and E. Herbst. ApJ 668:294-309 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A method to detect H2 in the atmosphere of transiting extrasolar planets using the EUV spectrum." M. Barthélémy, J. Lilensten, and C. D. Parkinson. A&A 474:301-306 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The abundance of SiS in circumstellar envelopes around AGB stars." F. L. Schöier, J. Bast, H. Olofsson, and M. Lindqvist. A&A 473:871-882 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Asymmetries in the distribution of H2O and CO2 in the inner coma of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 as observed by Deep Impact." L. M. Feaga, M. F. A'Hearn, J. M. Sunshine, O. Groussin, and T. L. Farnham. Icarus 190:345-356 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The gas production of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 around the Deep Impact date." M. Weiler, H. Rauer, J. Knollenberg and C. Sterken. Icarus 190:423-431 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Gemini-N mid-IR observations of the dust properties of the ejecta excavated from Comet 9P/Tempel 1 during Deep Impact." D. E. Harker, C. E. Woodward, D. H. Wooden, R. S. Fisher, and C. A. Trujillo. Icarus 190:432-453 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Meridional variations in stratospheric acetylene and ethane in the southern hemisphere of the saturnian atmosphere as determined from Cassini/CIRS measurements." C. J. A. Howett, P. G. J. Irwin, N. A. Teanby, A. Simon-Miller, S. B. Calcutt, L. N. Fletcher, and R. de Kok. Icarus 190:556-572 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Trapping of N2, CO and Ar in amorphous ice - Application to comets." A. Bar-Nun, G. Notesco and T. Owen. Icarus 190:655-659 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hubble Space Telescope Survey of Interstellar 12CO/13CO in the Solar Neighborhood." Y. Sheffer, M. Rogers, S. R. Federman, D. L. Lambert, and R. Gredel. ApJ 667:1002-1016 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Reactions of H, N, and O Atoms with Carbon Chain Anions of Interstellar Interest: An Experimental Study." B. Eichelberger, T. P. Snow, C. Barckholtz, and V. M. Bierbaum. ApJ 667:1283-1289 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Singlet and triplet potential energy surfaces of C3H2." A. Mohajeri and M. J. Jenabi. J Mol Struct THEOCHEM 820:65-73 (2007). ABSTRACT

"First polarimetric observations and modeling of the FeH F 4Δ - X 4Δ system." N. Afram, S. V. Berdyugina, D. M. Fluri, M. Semel, M. Bianda, and R. Ramelli. A&A 473:L1-L4 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A search for pre-biotic molecules in hot cores." E. S. Wirström, P. Bergman, Å. Hjalmarson, and A. Nummelin. A&A 473:177-180 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A high resolution spectral atlas of brown dwarfs." A. Reiners, D. Homeier, P. H. Hauschildt, and F. Allard. A&A 473:245-255 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Radiative transfer simulation of water rotational excitation in comets - Comparison of the Monte Carlo and escape probability methods." V. Zakharov, D. Bockelée-Morvan, N. Biver, J. Crovisier, and A. Lecacheux. A&A 473:303-310 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Question 2: Why Astrobiology?" S. Pizzarello. Orig Life Evol Biosph 37:341-344 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Question 2: Why an Astrobiological Study of Titan Will Help Us Understand the Origin of Life." F. Raulin. Orig Life Evol Biosph 37:345-349 (2007). ABSTRACT

September 2007

"Photodissociation Dynamics of Cyanamide at 212 mm." C. H. Kwon, J. H. Lee, and H. L. Kim. Bull Korean Chem Soc 28:1485-1488 (2007). ABSTRACT

"On the possibility of using model potentials for collision integral calculations of interest for planetary atmospheres." M. Capitelli, D. Cappelletti, G. Colonna, C. Gorse, A. Laricchiuta, G. Liuti, S. Longo, and F. Pirani. Chem Phys 338:62-68 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Amino acid composition, petrology, geochemistry, 14C terrestrial age and oxygen isotopes of the Shisr 033 CR chondrite." Z. Martins, B. A. Hofmann, E. Gnos, R. C. Greenwood, A. Verchovsky, I. A. Franchi, A. J. T. Jull, O. Botta, D. P. Glavin, J. P. Dworkin, and P. Ehrenfreund. Meteor Planet Sci 42:1467-1698 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Vibronic structure in C2H and C2D from anion slow electron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy." J. Zhou, E. Garand, and D. M. Neumark. J Chem Phys 127:114313 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rotational spectra of vibrationally excited CCH and CCD." T. C. Killian, C. A. Gottlieb, and P. Thaddeus. J Chem Phys 127:114320 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Electronic spectroscopy of jet-cooled HCP+: Molecular structure, phosphorus hyperfine structure, and Renner-Teller analysis." F. X. Sunahori, X. Zhang, and D. J. Clouthier. J Chem Phys 127:104312 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ion Chemistry in Cold Plasmas of H2 with CH4 and N2." I. Tanarro, V. J. Herrero, A. M. Islyaikin, I. Méndez, F. L. Tabarés, and, and D. Tafalla. J Phys Chem A 111:9003-9012, (2007). ABSTRACT

"Color of brown carbon: A model for ultraviolet and visible light absorption by organic carbon aerosol." H. Sun, L. Biedermann, and T. C. Bond. Geophys Res Lett 34:L17813 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The 3.3-μm PAH emission band of the Red Rectangle." I.-O. Song, J. McCombie, T. H. Kerr and P. J. Sarre. MNRAS 380:979-985 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Shock-induced transformation of olivine to a new metastable (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 polymorph in Martian meteorites." B. Van de Moortèle, B. Reynard, P. F. McMillan, M. Wilson, P. Beck, P. Gillet, and S. Jahn. Earth Plan Sci Lett 261:469-475 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of C6H- toward the Low-Mass Protostar IRAS 04368+2557 in L1527." N. Sakai, T. Sakai, Y. Osamura, and S. Yamamoto. ApJ 667:L65-L68 (2007). ABSTRACT

"High-Resolution Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies." D. Farrah, J. Bernard-Salas, H. W. W. Spoon, B. T. Soifer, L. Armus, B. Brandl, V. Charmandaris, V. Desai, S. Higdon, D. Devost, and J. Houck. ApJ 667:149-169 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photoionization Rates in Clumpy Molecular Clouds." T. J. Bethell, E. G. Zweibel, and P. S. Li. ApJ 667:275-287 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of Water Ice in Edge-on Protoplanetary Disks: HK Tauri B and HV Tauri C." H. Terada, A. T. Tokunaga, N. Kobayashi, N. Takato, Y. Hayano, and H. Takami. ApJ 667:303-307 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Microwave Spectra of Molecules of Astrophysical Interest. XXV. Methylamine." V. Ilyushin and F. J. Lovas. J Phys Chem Ref Data 36:1141-1276 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Torsion-rotation global analysis and database for the CH318OH isotopomer of methanol." J. Fisher, G. Paciga, L.-H. Xu, S. B. Zhao, G. Moruzzi, and R. M. Lees. J Mol Spectrosc 245:7-20 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Study of (1, 4) band in the comet-tail (A2Πi-X2Σ+) system of CO+." X. Yang, Y. Wu, and Y. Chen. J Mol Spectrosc 245:84-87 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Quasi-classical rate coefficient calculations for the rotational (de)excitation of H2O by H2." A. Faure, N. Crimier, C. Ceccarelli, P. Valiron, L. Wiesenfeld, and M. L. Dubernet. A&A 472:1029-1035 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rotational excitation of SiS molecules by collisions with He atoms." L. F. M. Vincent, A. Spielfiedel, and F. Lique. A&A 472:1037-1040 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Porphyrin as an Ideal Biomarker in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life." Z. Suo, R. Avci, M. Higby Schweitzer, and M. Deliorman. Astrobio 7:605-615 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Quantum dynamics study of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood H + H recombination mechanism and H2 formation on a graphene model surface." B. Kerkeni and D. C. Clary. Chem Phys 338:1-10 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The origin and evolution of chondrites recorded in the elemental and isotopic compositions of their macromolecular organic matter." C. M. O'D. Alexander, M. Fogel, H. Yabuta and G. D. Cody. Geochim Acta 71:4380-4403 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Cosmic rays and the primordial gas." J. Jasche, B. Ciardi, and T. A. Enβlin. MNRAS 380:417-429 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Silicon monosulphide radiative association." C. M. Andreazza and E. P. Marinho. MNRAS 380:365-368 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of Emission from the CN Radical in the Cloverleaf Quasar at z = 2.56." D. A. Riechers, F. Walter, P. Cox, C. L. Carilli, A. Weiss, F. Bertoldi, and R. Neri. ApJ 666:778-783 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Possible Trace Carbon Dioxide Polar Cap on Iapetus." E. E. Palmer and R. H. Brown. ApJ 666:L125-L128 (2007), ABSTRACT

"Redshifted formaldehyde from the gravitational lens B0218+357." N. Jethava, C. Henkel, K. M. Menten, C. L. Carilli, and M. J. Reid. A&A 472:435-442 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Gas and dust spectra of the D' type symbiotic star HD 330036." R. Angeloni, M. Contini, S. Ciroi, and P. Rafanelli. A&A 472:497-507 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The CH2CN- molecule: carrier of the λ8037 diffuse interstellar band?" M. A. Cordiner and P. J. Sarre. A&A 472:537-545 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Abiotic formation of O2 and O3 in high-CO2 terrestrial atmospheres." A. Segura, V. S. Meadows, J. F. Kasting, D. Crisp, and M. Cohen. A&A 472:665-679 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A study of the interaction of CO2 with water ice." O. Gálvez, I. K. Ortega, B. Maté, M. A. Moreno, B. Martín-Llorente, V. J. Herrero, R. Escribano, and P. J. Gutiérrez. A&A 472:691-698 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Temperature dependence of rotational excitation rate coefficients of OH(X2Π) in collision with He." J. Klos, F. Lique and M. H. Alexander. Chem Phys Lett 445:12-16 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A theoretical study of the [FeCN]+ system: Cyanide-isocyanide competition and isomerization barrier." P. Redondo, V. M. Rayín, H. Valdés, C. Barrientos, and A. Largo. Chem Phys Lett 445:22-27 (2007). ABSTRACT

"On the progress in Odin's hunt for molecules." Å. Hjalmarson, M. Olberg, H.-G. Florén, U. Frisk, S. Lundin, H. Olofsson, C. Persson, G. Persson, and A. Sandqvist. Adv Space Res 40:630-638 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spectroscopic observations with the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)." E. E. Becklin, A. G. G. M. Tielens, and H. H. S. Callis. Adv Space Res 40:644-648 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Astrobiology explorer mission concepts (ABE/ASPIRE)." K. A. Ennico and S. A. Sandford. Adv Space Res 40:649-654 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecules and solids in planetary nebulae and proto-planetary nebulae." S. Kwok. Adv Space Res 40:655-658 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spitzer Observations of V4332 Sagittarii: Detection of Alumina Dust." D. P. K. Banerjee, K. A. Misselt, K. Y. L. Su, N. M. Ashok, and P. S. Smith. ApJ 666:L25-L28 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Identification of Phosphorus Monoxide (X 2Πr) in VY Canis Majoris: Detection of the First P-O Bond in Space." E. D. Tenenbaum, N. J. Woolf, and L. M. Ziurys. ApJ 666:L29-L32 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Stellar MgSiO3 Perovskite: A Shock-transformed Stardust Silicate Found in a Meteorite." C. Vollmer, P. Hoppe, F. E. Brenker, and C. Holzapfel. ApJ 666:L49-L52 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Exothermic Chemical Reactions Can Drive Nonthermal Crystallization of Amorphous Silicate Grains." C. Kaito, Y. Miyazaki, A. Kumamoto, and Y. Kimura. ApJ 666:L57-L60 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ammonia-water ice laboratory studies relevant to outer Solar System surfaces." M. H. Moore, R. F. Ferrante, R. L. Hudson, and J. N. Stone. Icarus 190:260-273 (2007). ABSTRACT

"New candidates of interstellar molecule in the C10H and C11H radicals: Monocyclic rings." K. Aoki. J Mol Struct THEOCHEM 818:151-153 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Production of HNC from the CH(X2Π) + NH(X3&Sigma-) reaction: Direct dynamics study." K. Takahashi and T. Takayanagi. J Mol Struct THEOCHEM 817:153-160 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A survey of [D2CO]/[H2CO] and [N2D+]/[N2H+] ratios towards protostellar cores." H. Roberts and T. J. Millar. A&A 471:849-863 (2007). ABSTRACT

August 2007

"Spectroscopic Identification of C2P and C2As, Two New Main Group Dicarbides." F. X. Sunahori, J. Wei, and D. J. Clouthier. J Am Chem Soc 129:9600-9601 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Gas-Phase Ionic Syntheses of Amino Acids: β versus α." J. L. Snow, G. Orlova, V. Blagojevic, and D. K. Bohme. J Am Chem Soc 129:9910-9917 (2007). ABSTRACT

"MESSENGER and the Chemistry of Mercury's Surface." W. V. Boynton, A. L. Sprague, S. C. Solomon, R. D. Starr, L. G. Evans, W. C. Feldman, J. I. Trombka, and E. A. Rhodes. Space Sci Rev 131:85-104 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Characterization of insoluble organic matter in primitive meteorites by microRaman spectroscopy." H. Busemann, C. M. O. D. Alexander, and L. R. Nittler. Meteor Planet Sci 42:1387-1416 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Direct detection of polyynes formation from the reaction of ethynyl radical (C2H) with propyne (CH3-CCH) and allene (CH2CCH2)." F. Goulay, D. L. Osborn, C. A. Taatjes, P. Zou, G. Meloni, and S. R. Leone. Phys Chem Chem Phys 9:4291-4300 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Organic astrochemistry: observations of interstellar ketene." R. Ruiterkamp, S. B. Charnley, H. M. Butner, H.-C. Huang, S. D. Rodgers, Y.-J. Kuan, and P. Ehrenfreund. Astrophys Space Sci 310:181-188 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Discovery of Interstellar Propylene (CH2CHCH3): Missing Links in Interstellar Gas-Phase Chemistry." N. Marcelino, J. Cernicharo, M. Agúndez, E. Roueff, M. Gerin, J. Martín-Pintado, R. Mauersberger, and C. Thum. ApJ 665:L127-L130 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The chemical composition of the circumstellar envelopes around yellow hypergiant stars." G. Quintana-Lacaci, V. Bujarrabal, A. Castro-Carrizo, and J. Alcolea. A&A 471:551-560 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Influence of chemi-ionization and chemi-recombination processes on hydrogen line shapes in M dwarfs." A. A. Mihajlov, D. Jevremovic, P. Hauschildt, M. S. Dimitrijevic, L. M. Ignjatovic, and F. Alard. A&A 471:671-673 (2007). ABSTRACT

"H2D+ line emission in Proto-Planetary Disks." A. Asensio Ramos, C. Ceccarelli, and M. Elitzur. A&A 471:187-192 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Surface composition of the largest dwarf planet 136199 Eris (2003 UB313)." C. Dumas, F. Merlin, M. A. Barucci, C. de Bergh, O. Hainault, A. Guilbert, P. Vernazza, and A. Doressoundiram. A&A 471:331-334 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Source of Nitrogen Isotope Anomaly in HCN in the Atmosphere of Titan." M.-C. Liang, A. N. Heays, B. R. Lewis, S. T. Gibson, and Y. L. Yung. ApJ 664:L115-L118 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Unusual Spectrum of Comet 96P/Machholz." L. E. Langland-Shula and G. H. Smith. ApJ 664:L119-L122 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Unusual Hydrocarbon Emission from the Early Carbon Star HD 100764: The Connection between Aromatics and Aliphatics." G. C. Sloan, M. Jura, W. W. Duley, K. E. Kraemer, J. Bernard-Salas, W. J. Forrest, B. Sargent, A. Li, D. J. Barry, C. J. Bohac, D. M. Watson, and J. R. Houck. ApJ 664:1144-1153 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Presence of Diffuse Interstellar Bands in the Spectra of Cool Stars." J. D. Destree, T. P. Snow, and K. Eriksson. ApJ 664:909-914 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Ionization Fraction of Barnard 68: Implications for Star and Planet Formation." S. Maret and E. A. Bergin. ApJ 664:956-963 (2007). ABSTRACT

"What is the Driving Force to Form Refractory Oxide Grains? Silicate Spectra Depend on Their Formation Environment." Y. Kimura and J. A. Nuth, III. ApJ 664:1253-1263 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Near- and Mid-Infrared Laboratory Spectra of PAH Cations in Solid H2O." M. P. Bernstein, S. A. Sandford, A. L. Mattioda, and L. J. Allamandola. ApJ 664:1264-1272 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Gas phase electronic spectrum of linear AlCCH." C. Apetrei, H. Ding, and John P. Maier. Phys Chem Chem Phys 9:3897-3901 (2007). ABSTRACT

"An evaluation of the effect of the dissociative attachment of vibrationally excited H2 on primordial universe chemistry." M. Capitelli, C. M. Coppola, P. Diomede, and S. Longo. A&A 470:811-813 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Broad- and narrowband visible imaging of comet 9P/Tempel 1 at ESO around the time of the Deep Impact event." H. Boehnhardt, E. Pompei, G. P. Tozzi, O. Hainaut, N. Ageorges, S. Bagnulo, L. Barrera, T. Bonev, H. U. Käufl, F. Kerber, G. LoCurto, O. Marco, E. Pantin, H. Rauer, I. Saviane, F. Selman, C. Sterken, and M. Weiler. A&A 470:1175-1183 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photochemical kinetics uncertainties in modeling Titan's atmosphere: First consequences." E. Hébrard, M. Dobrijevic, Y. Bénilan, and F. Raulin. P&SS 55:1470-1489 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The radiolysis of SO2 and H2S in water ice: Implications for the icy jovian satellites." M. H. Moore, R. L. Hudson and R. W. Carlson. Icarus 189:409-423 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photon-dominated region modeling of the CO and [C I] line emission in Barnard 68." J. L. Pineda and F. Bensch. A&A 470:615-623 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Comparative study of complex N- and O-bearing molecules in hot molecular cores." F. Fontani, I. Pascucci, P. Caselli, F. Wyrowski, R. Cesaroni, and C. M. Walmsley. A&A 470:639-652 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Infrared spectroscopy of HCOOH in interstellar ice analogues." S. E. Bisschop, G. W. Fuchs, A. C. A. Boogert, E. F. van Dishoeck, and H. Linnartz. A&A 470:749-759 (2007). ABSTRACT

July 2007

"Molecules in galaxies." A. Omont. Rep Prog Phys 70:1099-1176 (2007). ABSTRACT

"First detection of the C2 symmetric isomer of carbon pentaoxide (CO5) at 10 K." C. S. Jamieson, A. M. Mebel, and R. I. Kaiser. Chem Phys Lett 443:49-54 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Morphological study into the temperature dependence of solid ammonia under astrochemical conditions using vacuum ultraviolet and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy." A. Dawes, R. J. Mukerji, M. P. Davis, P. D. Holtom, S. M. Webb, B. Sivaraman, S. V. Hoffmann, D. A. Shaw, and N. J. Mason. J Chem Phys 126:244711 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical study on structures and stability of SiC3S isomers." F. Li, H.-L. Liu, G.-T. Yu, X.-R. Huang, and C.-C. Sun. Mol Phys 105:1937-1050 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The electronic spectrum of the SiC radical: A theoretical study." A. Pramanik and K. K. Das. J Mol Spectrosc 244:13-23 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Coupled Cluster Study of the Linear Carbon Chains C2n+1 (n = 5-9)." P. Botschwina. J Phys Chem A 111:7431-7436 (2007). ABSTRACT

"NH2 and NH spatial intensity distribution in the coma of Halley's comet." V. Guineva and R. Werner. Adv Space Res 40:155-159 (2007). ABSTRACT

"State-Resolved Dynamics of the CN(B2Σ+) and CH(A2Δ) Excited Products Resulting from the VUV Photodissociation of CH3CN." C. R. Howle, A. N. Arrowsmith, V. Chikan, and S. R. Leone. J Phys Chem A 111:6637-6648 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Quasiclassical Trajectory Study of the CH3+ + HD → CH2D+ + H2 Reaction." K. M. Christoffel, Z. Jin, B. J. Braams, and J. M. Bowman. J Phys Chem A 111:6658-6664 (2007). ABSTRACT

"H Atom Yields from the Reactions of CN Radicals with C2H2, C2H4, C3H6, trans-2-C4H8, and iso-C4H8." K. L. Gannon, D. R. Glowacki, M. A. Blitz, K. J. Hughes, M. J. Pilling, and P. W. Seakins. J Phys Chem A 111:6679-6692 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Reaction of Tricarbon with Acetylene: An Ab Initio/RRKM Study of the Potential Energy Surface and Product Branching Ratios." A. M. Mebel, G.-S. Kim, V. V. Kislov, and R. I. Kaiser. J Phys Chem A 111:6704-6712 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Remeasurement of the Products for Electron Recombination of N2H+ Using a New Technique: No Significant NH + N Production." C. D. Molek, J. L. McLain, V. Poterya, and N. G. Adams. J Phys Chem A 111:6760-6765 (2007). ABSTRACT

"HNNC Radical and Its Role in the CH + N2 Reaction." M. R. Berman, T. Tsuchiya, A. Greguová, S. A. Perera, and R. J. Bartlett. J Phys Chem A 111:6894-6899 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rate constant for OH(2Π) + O(3P) → H(2S) + O2(3Σg-) reaction on an improved ab initio potential energy surface and implications for the interstellar oxygen problem." C. Xu, D. Xie, P. Honvault, S. Y. Lin, and H. Guo. J Chem Phys 127:024304 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Water vapour in the atmosphere of a transiting extrasolar planet." G. Tinetti, A. Vidal-Madjar, M.-C. Liang, J.-P. Beaulieu, Y. Yung, S. Carey, R. J. Barber, J. Tennyson, I. Ribas, N. Allard, G. E. Ballester, D. K. Sing, and F. Selsis. Nature 448:169-171 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Compositional homogeneity in the fragmented comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3." N. Dello Russo, R. J. Vervack, H. A. Weaver, N. Biver, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Crovisier, and C. M. Lisse. Nature 448:172-175 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Cyanides and Isocyanides of First-Row Transition Metals: Molecular Structure, Bonding, and Isomerization Barriers." V. M. Rayón, P. Redondo, H. Valdés, C. Barrientos, and A. Largo. J Phys Chem A 111:6334-6344 (2007). ABSTRACT

"SSOH and HSSO Radicals: An Experimental and Theoretical Study of [S2OH]0/+/- Species." G. de Petris, M. Rosi, and A. Troiani. J Phys Chem A 111:6526-6533 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Formation of HF through radiative association in the early universe." D. Talbi and M.-C. Bacchus-Montabonel. Chem Phys Lett 443:40-42 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Martian corona: Nonthermal sources of hot heavy species." F. Cipriani, F. Leblanc, and J. J. Berthelier. J Geophys Res Planets 112:E07001 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of the Carbon Chain Negative Ion C8H- in TMC-1." S. Brünken, H. Gupta, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. ApJ 664:L43-L46 (2007). ABSTRACT    THE THIRD INTERSTELLAR ANION

"Detection of C8H- and Comparison with C8H toward IRC +10 216." A. J. Remijan, J. M. Hollis, F. J. Lovas, M. A. Cordiner, T. J. Millar, A. J. Markwick-Kemper, and P. R. Jewell. ApJ 664:L47-L50 (2007). ABSTRACT    THE THIRD INTERSTELLAR ANION

"Production Pathways of CCS and CCCS Inferred from Their 13C Isotopic Species." N. Sakai, M. Ikeda, M. Morita, T. Sakai, S. Takano, Y. Osamura, and S. Yamamoto. ApJ 663:1174-1179 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Mira variable S Orionis: relationships between the photosphere, molecular layer, dust shell, and SiO maser shell at 4 epochs." M. Wittkowski, D. A. Boboltz, K. Ohnaka, T. Driebe, and M. Scholz. A&A 470:191-210 (2007). ABSTRACT

"9.7 μm Silicate Absorption in a Damped Lyα Absorber at z = 0.52." V. P. Kulkarni, D. G. York, G. Vladilo, and D. E. Welty. ApJ 663:L81-L84 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spatial separation of small and large grains in the transitional disk around the young star IRS 48." V. C. Geers, K. M. Pontoppidan, E. F. van Dishoeck, C. P. Dullemond, J.-C. Augereau, B. Merín, I. Oliveira, and J. W. Pel. A&A 469:L35-L38 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Effects of turbulent diffusion on the chemistry of diffuse clouds." P. Lesaffre, M. Gerin, and P. Hennebelle. A&A 469:949-961 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Gas-grain chemistry in cold interstellar cloud cores with a microscopic Monte Carlo approach to surface chemistry." Q. Chang, H. M. Cuppen, and E. Herbst. A&A 469:973-983 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spectroscopic Search for Water Ice on Jovian Trojan Asteroids." B. Yang and D. Jewitt. AJ 134:223-228 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Self-consistent treatment of dynamics and chemistry in the winds from carbon-rich AGB stars. I. Tests of the equilibrium and kinetic chemical codes." M. Pulecka, M. R. Schmidt, V. I. Shematovich, and R. Szczerba. A&A 469:553-560 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Analysis of the emission of very small dust particles from Spitzer spectro-imagery data using blind signal separation methods." O. Berné, C. Joblin, Y. Deville, J. D. Smith, M. Rapacioli, J. P. Bernard, J. Thomas, W. Reach, and A. Abergel. A&A 469:575-586 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The influence of H2+ - photo-dissociation and (H + H+) - radiative collisions on the solar atmosphere opacity in UV and VUV regions." A. A. Mihajlov, L. M. Ignjatovic, N. M. Sakan, and M. S. Dimitrijevic. A&A 469:749-754 (2007) ABSTRACT

"The composition of Titan's stratosphere from Cassini/CIRS mid-infrared spectra." A. Coustenis and 24 co-authors. Icarus 189:35-62 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Cassini CIRS update on stratospheric ices at Titan's winter pole." R. E. Samuelson, M. D. Smith, R. K. Achterberg, and J. C. Pearl. Icarus 189:63-71 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Wave-photochemistry coupling and its effect on water vapor, ozone and airglow variations in the atmosphere of Mars." X. Zhu and J.-H. Yee. Icarus 189:136-150 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Comet Hale-Bopp in outburst: Imaging the dynamics of icy particles with HST/NICMOS." D. W. McCarthy, Jr., S. R. Stolovy, H. Campins, S. Larson, N. H. Samarasinha, and S. D. Kern. Icarus 189:184-195 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Upper limits to the water abundance in starburst galaxies." C. D. Wilson, R. S. Booth, A. O. H. Olofsson, M. Olberg, C. M. Persson, A. Sandqvist, Å. Hjalmarson, V. Buat, P. J. Encrenaz, M. Fich, U. Frisk, M. Gerin, G. Rydback, and T. Wiklind. A&A 469:121-124 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical infrared spectra of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons." A. Pathak and S. Rastogi. Spectrochim Acta A 67:898-909 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Method and basis set dependence of the energetics and geometries of HC(S)CN+ and HCNCS+." W. Kan, H. Yu, and H. Fu. J Mol Struct THEOCHEM 813:73-75 (2007). ABSTRACT

June 2007

"Arcsecond-Resolution Submillimeter HCN Imaging of the Binary Protostar IRAS 16293-2422." S. Takakuwa, N. Ohashi, T. L. Bourke, N. Hirano, P. T. P. Ho, J. K. Jørgensen, Y.-J. Kuan, D. J. Wilner, and S. C. C. Yeh. ApJ 662:431-442 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photolytically Generated Aerosols in the Mesosphere and Thermosphere of Titan." M.-C. Liang, Y. L. Yung, and D. E. Shemansky. ApJ 661:L199-L202 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Energetic Processing of Interstellar Silicate Grains by Cosmic Rays." E. M. Bringa, S. O. Kucheyev, M. J. Loeffler, R. A. Baragiola, A. G. G. M. Tielens, Z. R. Dai, G. Graham, S. Bajt, J. P. Bradley, C. A. Dukes, T. E. Felter, D. F. Torres, and W. van Breugel. ApJ 662:372-378 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Comets and Chemical Composition." S. N. Delanoye and J. De Keyser. Space Sci Rev 130:73-78 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Presolar Grains in Meteorites and Their Compositions." U. Ott. Space Sci Rev 130:87-95 (2007) ABSTRACT

"Planetary Atmospheres." T. C. Owen. Space Sci Rev 130: 97-104 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Chemical complexity in the winds of the oxygen-rich supergiant star VY Canis Majoris." L. M. Ziurys, S. N. Milam, A. J. Apponi, and N. J. Woolf. Nature 447:1094-1097 (2007). ABSTRACT    SUPER STELLAR COCKTAIL

"A theoretical study of FeCN in the 6Δ electronic ground state." T. Hirano, M. Amano, Y. Mitsui, S. S. Itono, R. Okuda, U. Nagashima, and P. Jensen. J Mol Spectrosc 243:148-154 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Single photon ionization of hydrogen bonded clusters with a soft x-ray laser: (HCOOH)x and (HCOOH)y(H2O)z." S. Heinbuch, F. Dong, J. J. Rocca, and E. R. Bernstein. J Chem Phys 126:2443-1 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Sugar Synthesis from a Gas-Phase Formose Reaction." A. F. Jalbout, L. Abrell, L. Adamowicz, R. Polt, A. J. Apponi, and L. M. Ziurys. Astrobio 7:433-442 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Adenine Synthesis in Interstellar Space: Mechanisms of Prebiotic Pyrimidine-Ring Formation of Monocyclic HCN-Pentamers." R. Glaser, B. Hodgen, D. Farrelly, and E. McKee. Astrobio 7:455-470 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Interpretation of the near-IR spectra of the Kuiper Belt Object (136472) 2005 FY." J. Eluszkiewicz, K. Cady-Pereira, M. E. Brown, and J. A. Stansberry. J Geophys Res Planets, 112:E06003 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Study of the 3.3 and 3.4 μm Emission Features in Proto-Planetary Nebulae." Bruce J. Hrivnak, T. R. Geballe, and Sun Kwok. ApJ 662:1059-1066 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rotational Spectra of Small PAHs: Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, Azulene, and Fluorene." S. Thorwirth, P. Theulé, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. ApJ 662:1309-1314 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Crossed Molecular Beam Studies of the Reactions of Allyl Radicals, C3H5(X2A2), with Methylacetylene (CH3CCH(X1A1)), Allene (H2CCCH2(X1A1)), and Their Isotopomers." Y. Guo, A. M. Mebel, F. Zhang, X. Gu, and R. I. Kaiser. J Phys Chem A 111:4914-4021 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hydrocarbon Anions in Interstellar Clouds and Circumstellar Envelopes." T. J. Millar, C. Walsh, M. A. Cordiner, R. Ní Chuimín, and E. Herbst. ApJ 662:L87-L90 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Discovery of Phosphaethyne (HCP) in Space: Phosphorus Chemistry in Circumstellar Envelopes." M. Agúndez, J. Cernicharo, and M. Guélin. ApJ 662:L91-L94 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Toward an Accurate Database for the 12 μm Region of the Ethane Spectrum." J. Vander Auwera, N. Moazzen-Ahmadi, and J.-M. Flaud. ApJ 662:750-757 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Chemical Behavior of Polycyanoacetylene Radicals on Gaseous and Ice Water: A Computational Perspective." H.-B. Xie, G.-S. Shi, and Y.-H. Ding. ApJ 662:758-770 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rotational Spectrum of the Formyl Cation, HCO+, to 1.2 THz." V. Lattanzi, A. Walters, B. J. Drouin, and J. C. Pearson. ApJ 662:771-778 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rotational excitation and de-excitation of PN molecules by He atoms." R. Tobola, J. Klos, F. Lique, G. Chalasinski, and M. H. Alexander. A&A 468:1123-1127 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Grain properties of Oort cloud comets: Modeling the mineralogical composition of cometary dust from mid-infrared emission features." T. Ootsubo, J. Watanabe, H. Kawakita, M. Honda, and R. Furusho. P&SS 55:1044-1049 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Remote sensing of a comet at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths from an orbiting spacecraft." S. Gulkis, M. Allen, C. Backus, G. Beaudin, N. Biver, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Crovisier, D. Despois, P. Encrenaz, M. Frerking, et al. P&SS 55:1050-1057 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Submillimetre observations of comets with Odin: 2001-2005." N. Biver, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Crovisier, A. Lecacheux, U. Frisk, Å. Hjalmarson, M. Olberg, H.-G. Florén, A. Sandqvist, and S. Kwok. P&SS 55:1058-1068 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Dissociative recombination of the deuterated acetaldehyde ion, CD3CDO+: product branching fractions, absolute cross sections and thermal rate coefficient." E. Vigren, M. Kamiska, M. Hamberg, V. Zhaunerchyk, R. D. Thomas, J. Semaniak, M. Danielsson, M. Larsson, and W. D. Geppert. Phys Chem Chem Phys 9:2856-2861 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Low energy 13C+ and 13C2+ ion irradiation of water ice." A. Dawes, A. Hunniford, P. D. Holtom, R. J. Mukerji, R. W. McCullough, and N. J. Mason. Phys Chem Chem Phys 9:2886-2893 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical Study on the Ground and Excited States of Dicyanocarbene (C3N2) and Its Isomers: A Low-Temperature Matrix Emission Spectrum Attributable to 3-Cyano-2H-azirenylidene." R. K. Chaudhuri and S. L. N. G. Krishnamachari. J Phys Chem A 111:4849-4854 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Mapping the circumstellar SiO maser emission in R Leonis." R. Soria-Ruiz, J. Alcolea, F. Colomer, V. Bujarrabal, and J.-F. Desmurs. A&A 468:L1-L4 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The water ice rich surface of (145453) 2005 RR43: a case for a carbon-depleted population of TNOs?" N. Pinilla-Alonso, J. Licandro, R. Gil-Hutton, and R. Brunetto. A&A 468:L25-L28 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Water vapor and silicon monoxide maser observations in the protoplanetary nebula OH 231.8+4.2." J.-F. Desmurs, J. Alcolea, V. Bujarrabal, C. Sánchez Contreras, and F. Colomer. A&A 468:189-192 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A multi-transition molecular line study of candidate massive young stellar objects associated with methanol masers." M. Szymczak, A. Bartkiewicz, and A. M. S. Richards. A&A 468:617-625 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A computer program for fast non-LTE analysis of interstellar line spectra With diagnostic plots to interpret observed line intensity ratios." F. F. S. van der Tak, J. H. Black, F. L. Schöier, D. J. Jansen, and E. F. van Dishoeck. A&A 468:627-635 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photodesorption of CO Ice." K. I. Öberg, G. W. Fuchs, Z. Awad, H. J. Fraser, S. Schlemmer, E. F. van Dishoeck, and H. Linnartz. ApJ 662:L23-L26 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Combined Experimental and Computational Study on the Ionization Energies of the Cyclic and Linear C3H Isomers." R. I. Kaiser, L. Belau, S. R. Leone, M. Ahmed, Y. Wang, B. J. Braams, and J. M. Bowman. Chem Phys Chem 8:1236-1239 (2007). ABSTRACT

"On the Formation of Glycolaldehyde (HCOCH2OH) and Methyl Formate (HCOOCH3) in Interstellar Ice Analogs." C. J. Bennett and R. I. Kaiser. ApJ 661:899-909 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Infrared Spectroscopy of Diamondoid Molecules: New Insights into the Presence of Nanodiamonds in the Interstellar Medium." O. Pirali, M. Vervloet, J. E. Dahl, R. M. K. Carlson, A. G. G. M. Tielens, and J. Oomens. ApJ 661:919-925 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Comment on 'Methane on Mars: A product of H2O photolysis in the presence of CO' by A. Bar-Nun and V. Dimitrov." V. A. Krasnopolsky. Icarus 188:540-542 (2007). ABSTRACT

"'Methane on Mars: A product of H2O photolysis in the presence of CO' Response to V.A. Krasnopolsky." A. Bar-Nun and V. Dimitrov. Icarus 188:543-545 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecular Hydrogen Formation on Amorphous Silicates under Interstellar Conditions." H. B. Perets, A. Lederhendler, O. Biham, G. Vidali, L. Li, S. Swords, E. Congiu, J. Roser, G. Manicó, J. R. Brucato, and V. Pirronello. ApJ 661:L163-L166 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Fullerenes and the 4430 Å Diffuse Interstellar Band." S. Iglesias-Groth. ApJ 661:L167-L170 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The oxygen isotope effect in the earliest processed solids in the solar system: is it a chemical mass-independent process?." A. Ali and J. A. Nuth. A&A 467:919-923 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Non-thermal desorption from interstellar dust grains via exothermic surface reactions." R. T. Garrod, V. Wakelam, and E. Herbst. A&A 467:1103-1115 (2007). ABSTRACT

May 2007

"Combined DFT, QCISD(T), and G2 mechanism investigation for the reactions of carbon monophosphide CP with unsaturated hydrocarbons allene CH2CCH2 and methylacetylene CH3CCH." Y.-L. Zhao, W. Kan, H. Zhong, H.-T. Yu, and H.-G. Fu. J Comp Chem 28:1221-1233 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Isomers of cyanodiacetylene: Predictions for the rotational, infrared and Raman spectroscopy." M. Gronowski and R. Kołos. J Mol Struct 834-835:102-108 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ab initio study of the C2O+ cation." L. Jutier and C. Léonard. Mol Phys 105:1105-1114 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spectroscopy and metastability of the HSS- anion." B. Edhay, S. Lahmar, Z. Ben Lakhdar, and M. Hochlaf. Mol Phys 105:1115-1122 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecules as diagnostic tools in the interstellar medium." A. Spielfiedel, N. Feautrier, C. Balança, F. Dayou, F. Lique, and M.-L. Senent. Mol Phys 105:1263-1269 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Water vapour and hydrogen in the terrestrial-planet-forming region of a protoplanetary disk." J. A. Eisner. Nature 447:562-564 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Astrophysics: Water worlds in the making." R. van Boekel. Nature 447:535-536 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Prediction of product branching ratios in the C(3P) + C2H2l-C3H + H / c-C3H + H / C3 + H2 reaction using ab initio coupled clusters calculations extrapolated to the complete basis set combined with Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus and radiationless transition theories." A. M. Mebel, V. V. Kislov, and M. Hayashi. J Chem Phys 126:204310 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The rotational spectrum of CN-." C. A. Gottlieb, S. Brünken, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. J Chem Phys 126:191101 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Mechanistical studies on the formation of isotopomers of hydrogen peroxide (HOOH), hydrotrioxy (HOOO), and dihydrogentrioxide (HOOOH) in electron-irradiated H218O/O2 ice mixtures." W. Zheng, D. Jewitt and R. I. Kaiser. Phys Chem Chem Phy 9:2556-2563 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical Rates for the Emission of Atomic Hydrogen from a Naphthalene Cation." T. Pino, P. Parneix, F. Calvo, and P. Bréchignac. J Phys Chem A 111:4456-4463 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Cross sections and rate constants for the C(3P)+ OH(X 2Π) → CO(X 1Σ+) +H(2S) reaction using a quasiclassical trajectory method." A. Zanchet, P. Halvick, J.-C. Rayez, B. Bussery-Honvault, and P. Honvault. J Chem Phys 126:184308 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Process of Tholin Formation in Titan's Upper Atmosphere." J. H. Waite, Jr., D. T. Young, T. E. Cravens, A. J. Coates, F. J. Crary, B. Magee, and J. Westlake. Science 316:870-875 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Titan's Organic Factory." S. K. Atreya. Science 316:843-845 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Strange Kinetics of the C2H6 + CN Reaction Explained." Y. Georgievskii and S. J. Klippenstein. J Phys Chem A 111:3802-3811 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Isotopic study of the formation of the azide radical (N3)." C. S. Jamieson and R. I. Kaiser. Chem Phys Lett 440:98-104 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Novel detection of the C2v isomer of carbon tetraoxide (CO4)." C. S. Jamieson, A. M. Mebel and R. I. Kaiser. Chem Phys Lett 440:105-109 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Analysis of Radio Astronomical Data of the Negative Ion C6H- in IRC +10216." Y. Kasai, E. Kagi, and K. Kawaguchi. ApJ 661:L61-L64 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Thickness and Formation Age of the Surface Layer on Comet 9P/Tempel 1." T. Kadono, S. Sugita, S. Sako, T. Ootsubo, M. Honda, H. Kawakita, T. Miyata, R. Furusho, and J. Watanabe. ApJ 661:L89-L92 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Search for Variation in the H2O Ortho-Para Ratio and Rotational Temperature in the Inner Coma of Comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)." B. P. Bonev, M. J. Mumma, G. L. Villanueva, M. A. Disanti, R. S. Ellis, K. Magee-Sauer, and N. Dello Russo. ApJ 661:L97-L100 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Depleted Carbon Monoxide in Fragment C of the Jupiter-Family Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3." M. A. DiSanti, W. M. Anderson, G. L. Villanueva, B. P. Bonev, K. Magee-Sauer, E. L. Gibb, and M. J. Mumma. ApJ 661:L101-L104 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecular Line Survey of CRL 618 from 80 to 276 GHz and Complete Model." J. R. Pardo, J. Cernicharo, J. R. Goicoechea, M. Guélin, and A. A. Ramos. ApJ 661:250-261 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecular Hydrogen Emission from Protoplanetary Disks. II. Effects of X-Ray Irradiation and Dust Evolution." H. Nomura, Y. Aikawa, M. Tsujimoto, Y. Nakagawa, and T. J. Millar. ApJ 661:334-353 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Abundant Crystalline Silicates in the Disk of a Very Low Mass Star." B. Merín, J.-C. Augereau, E. F. van Dishoeck, J. Kessler-Silacci, C. P. Dullemond, G. A. Blake, F. Lahuis, J. M. Brown, V. C. Geers, K. M. Pontoppidan, F. Comerón, A. Frasca, S. Guieu, J. M. Alcalá, A. C. A. Boogert, N. J. Evans II, P. D'Alessio, L. G. Mundy, and N. Chapman. ApJ 661:361-367 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Astronomical detection of C4H-, the second interstellar anion." J. Cernicharo, M. Guélin, M. Agúndez, K. Kawaguchi, M. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. A&A 467:L37-L40 (2007). ABSTRACT

"High resolution rotational spectroscopy on D2O up to 2.7 THz in its ground and first excited vibrational bending states." S. Brünken, H. S. P. Müller, C. Endres, F. Lewen, T. Giesen, B. Drouin, J. C. Pearson and H. Mäder. Phys Chem Chem Phy 9:2103-2112 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Raman spectroscopy of irradiated organic matter." R. W. Court, M. A. Sephton, J. Parnell, and I. Gilmour. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 71:2547-2568 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Warm HCN, C2H2, and CO in the Disk of GV Tau." E. L. Gibb, K. A. Van Brunt, S. D. Brittain, and T. W. Rettig. ApJ 660:1572-1579 (2007). ABSTRACT   ERRATUM

"The Formation of Acetic Acid (CH3COOH) in Interstellar Ice Analogs." C. J. Bennett and R. I. Kaiser. ApJ 660:1289-1295 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ice Formation in Radiated Accretion Disks." S. S. Davis. ApJ 660:1580-1587 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Mechanistical Studies on the Irradiation of Methanol in Extraterrestrial Ices." C. J. Bennett, S.-H. Chen, B.-J. Sun, A. H. H. Chang, and R. I. Kaiser. ApJ 660:1588-1608 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Quasar 3C 298: a test-case for meteoritic nanodiamond 3.5 μm emission." J. A. de Diego, L. Binette, P. Ogle, A. C. Andersen, S. Haro-Corzo, and M. Wold. A&A 467:L7-L10 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The penetration of Far-UV radiation into molecular clouds." J. R. Goicoechea and J. Le Bourlot. A&A 467:1-14 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Probing the structure of protoplanetary disks: a comparative study of DM Tau, LkCa 15, and MWC 480." V. Piétu, A. Dutrey, and S. Guilloteau. A&A 467:163-178 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Depletion and low gas temperature in the L183 (=L134N) prestellar core: the N2H+-N2D+ tool." L. Pagani A. Bacmann, S. Cabrit, and C. Vastel. A&A 467:179-186 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A photon dominated region code comparison study." M. Röllig, N. P. Abel, T. Bell, F. Bensch, J. Black, G. J. Ferland, B. Jonkheid, I. Kamp, M. J. Kaufman, J. Le Bourlot, F. Le Petit, R. Meijerink, O. Morata, V. Ossenkopf, E. Roueff, G. Shaw, M. Spaans, A. Sternberg, J. Stutzki, W.-F. Thi, E. F. van Dishoeck, P. A. M. van Hoof, S. Viti, and M. G. Wolfire. A&A 467:187-206 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Probing the initial conditions of high mass star formation I. Deuteration and depletion in high mass pre/protocluster clumps." T. Pillai, F. Wyrowski, J. Hatchell, A. G. Gibb, and M. A. Thompson. A&A 467:207-216 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Anomalous absorption in c-C3H and c-C3D radicals." S. Chandra, S. V. Shinde, W. H. Kegel, and E. Sedlmayr. A&A 467:371-374 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Three-dimensional on-line chemical modeling in a Mars general circulation model." Y. Moudden and J. C. McConnell. Icarus 188:18-34 (2004). ABSTRACT

"Meridional variations of C2H2 and C2H6 in Jupiter's atmosphere from Cassini CIRS infrared spectra." C. A. Nixon, R. K. Achterberg, B. J. Conrath, P. G. J. Irwin, N. A. Teanby, T. Fouchet, P. D. Parrish, P. N. Romani, M. Abbas, A. LeClair, D. Strobel, A. A. Simon-Miller, D. J. Jennings, F. M. Flasar, and V.G. Kunde. Icarus 188:47-71 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The meridional phosphine distribution in Saturn's upper troposphere from Cassini/CIRS observations." L. N. Fletcher, P. G. J. Irwin, N. A. Teanby, G. S. Orton, P. D. Parrish, S. B. Calcutt, N. Bowles, R. de Kok, C. Howett, and F. W. Taylor. Icarus 188:72-88 (2007). ABSTRACT

"How much oxygen is too much? Constraining Saturn's ring atmosphere." A. J. Farmer and P. Goldreich. Icarus 188:108-119 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Vertical abundance profiles of hydrocarbons in Titan's atmosphere at 15° S and 80° N retrieved from Cassini/CIRS spectra." S. Vinatier, B. Bézard, T. Fouchet, N. A. Teanby, R. de Kok, P. G.J. Irwin, B. J. Conrath, C. A. Nixon, P. N. Romani, F. M. Flasar, and A. Coustenis. Icarus 188:120-138 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ammonium sulfate on Titan: Possible origin and role in cryovolcanism." A. D. Fortes, P. M. Grindrod, S. K. Trickett, and L. Vocadlo. Icarus 188:139-153 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The organic composition of C/2001 A2 (LINEAR). II. Search for heterogeneity within a comet nucleus." E. L. Gibb, M. A. DiSanti, K. Magee-Sauer, N. Dello Russo, B. P. Bonev, and M. J. Mumma. Icarus 188:224-232 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Spectrophotometric Study of the Coma of Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR)." Z.-Y. Lin, C.-P. Chang, and W.-H. Ip. AJ 133:1861-1867 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Unraveling the Formation of HCPH(X2A') Molecules in Extraterrestrial Environments: Crossed Molecular Beam Study of the Reaction of Carbon Atoms, C(3Pj), with Phosphine, PH3(X1A1)." Y. Guo, X. Gu, F. Zhang, B. J. Sun, M. F. Tsai, A. H. H. Chang, and R. I. Kaiser. J Phys Chem A 111:3241-3247 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photodissociation dynamics of water at Lyman alpha (121.6 nm)." W. Yi, J. Park, and J. Lee. Chem Phys Lett 439:46-49 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Laboratory Simulation of 11-15 μm Spectra Associated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Molecules." A. Hu and W. W. Duley. ApJ 660:L137-L140 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Methyl Formate in the NGC 2264 IRS 1 Region." N. Sakai, T. Sakai, and S. Yamamoto. ApJ 660:363-369 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Chemistry of Multiply Deuterated Molecules in Protoplanetary Disks. I. The Outer Disk." K. Willacy. ApJ 660:441-460 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Three-body recombination of hydrogen during primordial star formation." D. R. Flower and G. J. Harris. MNRAS 377:705-710 (2007). ABSTRACT

"H I 21 cm Emission as a Tracer of Gas During the Evolution from Protoplanetary to Debris Disks." I. Kamp, W. Freudling, and J. N. Chengalur. ApJ 660:469-478 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hot ammonia in NGC 6334I & I(N)." H. Beuther, A. J. Walsh, S. Thorwirth, Q. Zhang, T. R. Hunter, S. T. Megeath, and K. M. Menten. A&A 466:989-998 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecular oxygen in the ρ Ophiuchi cloud." B. Larsson, R. Liseau, L. Pagani, P. Bergman, P. Bernath, N. Biver, J. H. Black, R. S. Booth, V. Buat, J. Crovisier, C. L. Curry, M. Dahlgren, P. J. Encrenaz, E. Falgarone, P. A. Feldman, M. Fich, H. G. Florén, M. Fredrixon, U. Frisk, G. F. Gahm, M. Gerin, M. Hagström, J. Harju, T. Hasegawa, Å. Hjalmarson, L. E. B. Johansson, K. Justtanont, A. Klotz, E. Kyrölä, S. Kwok, A. Lecacheux, T. Liljeström, E. J. Llewellyn, S. Lundin, G. Mégie, G. F. Mitchell, D. Murtagh, L. H. Nordh, L.-Å. Nyman, M. Olberg, A. O. H. Olofsson, G. Olofsson, H. Olofsson, G. Persson, R. Plume, H. Rickman, I. Ristorcelli, G. Rydbeck, A. A. Sandqvist, F. V. Schéele, G. Serra, S. Torchinsky, N. F. Tothill, K. Volk, T. Wiklind, C. D. Wilson, A. Winnberg, and G. Witt. A&A 466:999-1003 (2007). ABSTRACT    INTERSTELLAR O2

"Desorption of CO and O2 interstellar ice analogs." K. Acharyya, G. W. Fuchs, H. J. Fraser, E. F. van Dishoeck, and H. Linnartz. A&A 466:1005-1012 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Properties of the icy surface of the TNO 136108 (2003 EL61)." F. Merlin, A. Guilbert, C. Dumas, M. A. Barucci, C. de Bergh, and P. Vernazza. A&A 466, 1185-1188 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Exact expression of the impact broadening operator for hydrogen Stark broadening." M. A. Gigosos, M. Á. González, B. Talin, and A. Calisti. A&A 466:1189-1196 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The UMIST database for astrochemistry 2006." J. Woodall, M. Agúndez, A. J. Markwick-Kemper, and T. J. Millar. A&A 466:1197-1204 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photophoresis as a source of hot minerals in comets." O. Mousis, J.-M. Petit, G. Wurm, O. Krauss, Y. Alibert, and J. Horner. A&A 466:L9-L12 (2007). ABSTRACT

April 2007

"Laboratory simulation of UV irradiation from the Sun on amino acids. I: irradiation of tyrosine." F. Scappini, F. Casadei, R. Zamboni, S. Monti, P. Giorgianni, and M. L. Capobianco. Int J Astrobio 6:123-129 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Can protonated glycoaldehyde and methyl formate form in the interstellar medium (ISM)?" A. F. Jalbout. Mol Phys 105:941-949 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Search for OH(A-X) and detection of N2+(B-X) in ultraviolet meteor spectrum." S. Abe, N. Ebizuka, H. Yano, J. Watanabe, and J. Borovicka. Adv Space Res 39:538-543 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spectroscopy of cyanodiacetylene in solid argon and the photochemical generation of isocyanodiacetylene." A. Coupeaud, M. Turowski, M. Gronowski, N. Piétri, I. Couturier-Tamburelli, R. Kołos, and J.-P. Aycard. J Chem Phys 126:164301 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rotationally inelastic collisions of SO(X 3&Sigma-) with H2: Potential energy surface and rate coefficients for excitation by para-H2 at low temperature." F. Lique, M.-L. Senent, A. Spielfiedel, and N. Feautrier. J Chem Phys 126:164312 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Yield of excited CO molecules from dissociative recombination of HCO+ and HOC+ ions with electrons." R. E. Rosati, M. P. Skrzypkowski, R. Johnsen, and M. F. Golde. J Chem Phys 126:154302 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Yield of electronically excited CN molecules from the dissociative recombination of HNC+ with electrons." R. E. Rosati, D. Pappas, R. Johnsen, and M. F. Golde. J Chem Phys 126:154303 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Close-coupling study of rotational energy transfer and differential scattering in H2O collisions with He atoms." B. Yang and P. C. Stancil. J Chem Phys 126:154306 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia on protonated ice clusters." M. Schmidt, A. Masson, C. Bréchignac, and H.-P. Cheng. J Chem Phys 126:154315 (2007). ABSTRACT

"One possible origin of ethanol in interstellar medium: Photochemistry of mixed CO2-C2H6 films at 11 K. A FTIR study." A. Schriver, L. Schriver-Mazzuoli, P. Ehrenfreund and L. d'Hendecourt. Chem Phys 334:128-137 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Composition of the atmosphere of Venus below the clouds." B. Bézard and C. de Bergh. J Geophys Res Planets 112:E04S07 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ions in space." S. Petrie and D. K. Bohme. Mass Spectrom Rev 26:259-280 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Titan's ion chemistry: A laboratory perspective." M. J. McEwan and V. G. Anicich. Mass Spectrom Rev 26:281-319 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Effective Rate Constants for the Surface Reaction between Solid Methanol and Deuterium Atoms at 10 K." A. Nagaoka, N. Watanabe, and A. Kouchi. J Phys Chem A 111:3016-3028 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A search for propylene oxide and glycine in Sagittarius B2 (LMH) and Orion." M. R. Cunningham, P. A. Jones, P. D. Godfrey, D. M. Cragg, I. Bains, M. G. Burton, P. Calisse, N. H. M. Crighton, S. J. Curran, T. M. Davis, J. T. Dempsey, B. Fulton, M. G. Hidas, T. Hill, L. Kedziora-Chudczer, V. Minier, M. B. Pracy, C. Purcell, J. Shobbrook and T. Travouillon. MNRAS 376:1201-1210 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Simulating the Formation of Molecular Clouds. I. Slow Formation by Gravitational Collapse from Static Initial Conditions." S. C. O. Glover and M.-M. Mac Low. ApJS 169:239-268 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Simulating the Formation of Molecular Clouds. II. Rapid Formation from Turbulent Initial Conditions." S. C. O. Glover and M.-M. Mac Low. ApJ 659:1317-1337 (2007) ABSTRACT

"The 15-20 μm Spitzer Spectra of Interstellar Emission Features in NGC 7023." K. Sellgren, K. I. Uchida, and M. W. Werner. ApJ 659:1338-1351 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hubble Space Telescope Measurements of Vacuum Ultraviolet Lines of Interstellar CH." Y. Sheffer and S. R. Federman. ApJ 659:1352-1359 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Silicate Dust in Evolved Protoplanetary Disks: Growth, Sedimentation, and Accretion." A. Sicilia-Aguilar, L. W. Hartmann, D. Watson, C. Bohac, T. Henning, and J. Bouwman. ApJ 659:1637-1660 (2007). ABSTRACT

"2-16 μm spectroscopy of micron-sized enstatite (Mg,Fe)2Si2O6 silicates from primitive chondritic meteorites." J. E. Bowey, A. Morlok, M. Köhler and M. Grady. MNRAS 376:1367-1374 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Infrared Molecular Starburst Fingerprints in Deeply Obscured (Ultra)Luminous Infrared Galaxy Nuclei." F. Lahuis, H. W. W. Spoon, A. G. G. M. Tielens, S. D. Doty, L. Armus, V. Charmandaris, J. R. Houck, P. Stäuber, and E. F. van Dishoeck. ApJ 659:296-304 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Discovery of Interstellar Heavy Water." H. M. Butner, S. B. Charnley, C. Ceccarelli, S. D. Rodgers, J. R. Pardo, B. Parise, J. Cernicharo, and G. R. Davis. ApJ 659:L137-L140 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Kinematics and Chemistry of the Hot Molecular Core in G34.26+0.15 at High Resolution." B. Mookerjea, E. Casper, L. G. Mundy, and L. W. Looney. ApJ 659:447-458 (2007). ABSTRACT

"PROSAC: A Submillimeter Array Survey of Low-Mass Protostars. I. Overview of Program: Envelopes, Disks, Outflows, and Hot Cores." J. K. Jørgensen, T. L. Bourke, P. C. Myers, J. Di Francesco, E. F. van Dishoeck, C.-F. Lee, N. Ohashi, F. L. Schöier, S. Takakuwa, D. J. Wilner, and Q. Zhang. ApJ 659:479-498 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Energetics for Hydrogen Addition to Naphthalene Cations." A. Ricca, E. L. O. Bakes, and C. W. Bauschlicher, Jr. ApJ 659:858-861 (2007). ABSTRACT

"PAH chemistry and IR emission from circumstellar disks." R. Visser, V. C. Geers, C. P. Dullemond, J.-C. Augereau, K. M. Pontoppidan, and E. F. van Dishoeck. A&A 466:229-241 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Isotopic ethyl cyanide 13CH3CH2CN, CH313CH2CN, and CH3CH213CN: laboratory rotational spectrum and detection in Orion." K. Demyk, H. Mäder, B. Tercero, J. Cernicharo, J. Demaison, L. Margulès, M. Wegner, S. Keipert, and M. Sheng. A&A 466:255-259 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ices on (90377) Sedna: confirmation and compositional constraints." J. P. Emery, C. M. Dalle Ore, D. P. Cruikshank, Y. R. Fernández, D. E. Trilling, and J. A. Stansberry. A&A 466:395-398 (2007). ABSTRACT

"What Cassini-Huygens has revealed about Titan." A. Coustenis. Astron Geophys 48(2):14-20 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Swan System of C2: A Global Analysis of Fourier Transform Emission Spectra." A. Tanabashi, T. Hirao, T. Amano, and P. F. Bernath. ApJS 169:472-484 (2007). ABSTRACT    ERRATUM

"Testing grain-surface chemistry in massive hot-core regions." S. E. Bisschop, J. K. Jørgensen, E. F. van Dishoeck, and E. B. M. de Wachter. A&A 465:913-929 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Formation of Titan in Saturn's subnebula: constraints from Huygens probe measurements." Y. Alibert and O. Mousis. A&A 465:1051-1060 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Behavior of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 around the Deep Impact event." L. M. Lara, H. Boehnhardt, R. Gredel, P. J. Gutiérrez, R. Rodrigo, and M. J. Vidal-Nuñez. A&A 465:1061-1067 (2007). ABSTRACT

"An experimental study of the reaction kinetics of C2(X1Σg+) with hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6 and C3H8) over the temperature range 24-300 K: Implications for the atmospheres of Titan and the Giant Planets." A. Canosa, A. Páramo, S. D. Le Picard, and I. R. Sims. Icarus 187:558-568 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Enceladus' plume: Compositional evidence for a hot interior." D. L. Matson, J. C. Castillo, J. Lunine, and T. V. Johnson. Icarus 187:569-573 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ultraviolet photolysis of amino acids in a 100 K water ice matrix: Application to the outer Solar System bodies." G. E. Orzechowska, J. D. Goguen, P. V. Johnson, A. Tsapin, and I. Kanik. Icarus 187:584-591 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Carbon dioxide on planetary bodies: Theoretical and experimental studies of molecular complexes." G. M. Chaban, M. Bernstein, and D. P. Cruikshank. Icarus 187:592-599 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Discharge experiments simulating chemical evolution on the surface of Titan." K. Plankensteiner, H. Reiner, B. M. Rode, T. Mikoviny, A. Wisthaler, A. Hansel, T. D. Märk, G. Fischer, H. Lammer, and H. O. Rucker. Icarus 187:616-619 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rotational spectroscopy of the isotopic species of silicon monosulfide, SiS." H. S. P. Müller, M. C. McCarthy, L. Bizzocchi, H. Gupta, S. Esser, H. Lichau, M. Caris, F. Lewen, J. Hahn, C. Degli Esposti, S. Schlemmer and P. Thaddeus. Phys Chem Chem Phy 9:1579-1586 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Modelling dications in the diurnal ionosphere of Venus." G. Gronoff, J. Lilensten, C. Simon, O. Witasse, R. Thissen, O. Dutuit, and C. Alcaraz. A&A 465:641-645 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Collisional excitation of doubly deuterated ammonia ND2H by helium." L. Machin and E. Roueff. A&A 465:647-650 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Spitzer Spectrum of the Exoplanet HD 189733b." C. J. Grillmair, D. Charbonneau, A. Burrows, L. Armus, J. Stauffer, V. Meadows, J. Van Cleve, and D. Levine. ApJ 658:L115-L118 (2007). ABSTRACT

March 2007

"Submillimetre-wave spectrum of NCS." A. Maeda, H. Habara, and T. Amano. Mol Phys 105:477-495 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photochemical dehydration of acetamide in a cryogenic matrix." F. Duvernay, P. Chatron-Michaud, F. Borget, D. M. Birney, and T. Chiavassa. Phys Chem Chem Phys 9:1099-1106 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Laboratory simulation of Mg-rich ferromagnesiosilica dust: The first building blocks of comet dust." F. J. M. Rietmeijer and J. A. Nuth III. Adv Space Res 39:351-357 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Enantiomeric separation of complex organic molecules produced from irradiation of interstellar/circumstellar ice analogs." M. Nuevo, U. J. Meierhenrich, L. d'Hendecourt, G. M. Muñoz Caro, E. Dartois, D. Deboffle, W. H.-P. Thiemann, J.-H. Bredehöft, and L. Nahon. Adv Space Res 39:400-404 (2007). ABSTRACT

"On the chemistry of CS and NS in cometary comae." M. V. Canaves, A. A. de Almeida, D. C. Boice, and G. C. Sanzovo. Adv Space Res 39:451-457 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photodissociation lifetimes and fluorescence efficiency factors of the cometary molecular species 14N32S." G. C. Sanzovo, A. A. de Almeida, M. V. Canaves, and D. C. Boice. Adv Space Res 39:458-461 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photodissociation of organic molecules in star-forming regions. III. Methanol." S. Pilling, R. Neves, A. C. F. Santos, and H. M. Boechat-Roberty. A&A 464:393-398 (2007). ABSTRACT

"New infrared integrated band intensities for HC3N and extensive line list for the ν5 and ν6 bending modes." A. Jolly, Y. Benilan, and A. Fayt. J Mol Spectrosc 242:46-54 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Temperature dependence of rotational relaxation of methane in the 2ν3 vibrational state by self- and nitrogen-collisions and comparison with line broadening measurements." F. Menard-Bourcin, J. Menard, and C. Boursier. J Mol Spectrosc 242:55-63 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Selective release of D and 13C from insoluble organic matter of the Murchison meteorite by impact shock." K. Mimura, M. Okamoto, K. Sugitani, and S. Hashimoto. M&PS 42:347-355 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Direct Measurement of the Ratio of Carbon Monoxide to Molecular Hydrogen in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium." E. B. Burgh, K. France, and S. R. McCandliss. ApJ 658:446-454 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of 13C Isotopomers of the Molecule HC7N." G. Langston and B. Turner. ApJ 658:455-461 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spectral Evolution of an Earth-like Planet." L. Kaltenegger, W. A. Traub, and K. W. Jucks. ApJ 658:598-616 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Crossed beam studies of radical-radical reactions: O(3P) + C3H5 (allyl)." F. Leonori, N. Balucani, G. Capozza, E. Segoloni, D. Stranges, and P. Casavecchia. Phys Chem Chem Phys 9:1307-1311 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Electronic Gas-Phase Spectra of Larger Polyacetylene Cations." A. Dzhonson, E. B. Jochnowitz, and J. P. Maier. J Phys Chem A 111:1887-1890 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Organic matter and metamorphic history of CO chondrites." L. Bonal, M. Bourot-Denise, E. Quirico, G. Montagnac, and E. Lewin. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 71:1605-1623 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Efficient Simulations of Interstellar Gas-Grain Chemistry Using Moment Equations." B. Barzel and O. Biham. ApJ 658:L37-L40 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Laboratory detection of the negative molecular ion CCH-." S. Brünken, C. A. Gottlieb, H. Gupta, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. A&A 464:L33-L36 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Deuterium fractionation in the Horsehead edge." J. Pety, J. R. Goicoechea, P. Hily-Blant, M. Gerin, and D. Teyssier. A&A 464:L41-L44 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rotational excitation of HC3N by H2 and He at low temperatures." M. Wernli, L. Wiesenfeld, A. Faure, and P. Valiron. A&A 464:1147-1154 (2007), ABSTRACT    ERRATUM

"Infrared Emission from Interstellar Dust. IV. The Silicate-Graphite-PAH Model in the Post-Spitzer Era." B. T. Draine and Aigen Li. ApJ 657:810-837 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Large Aperture O I 6300 Å Observations of Comet Hyakutake: Implications for the Photochemistry of OH and O I Production in Comet Hale-Bopp." J. P. Morgenthaler, W. M. Harris, and M. R. Combi. ApJ 657:1162-1171 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The ORGANICS experiment on BIOPAN V: UV and space exposure of aromatic compounds." P. Ehrenfreund, R. Ruiterkamp, Z. Peeters, B. Foing, F. Salama, and Z. Martins. P&SS 55:383-400 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Chemical organizations in atmospheric photochemistries - A new method to analyze chemical reaction networks." F. Centler and P. Dittrich. P&SS 55:413-428 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Comparison of the composition of the Tempel 1 ejecta to the dust in Comet C/Hale-Bopp 1995 O1 and YSO HD 100546." C. M. Lisse, K. E. Kraemer, J. A. Nuth III, A. Li, and D. Joswiak. Icarus 187:69-86 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Radio observations of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 before and after Deep Impact." N. Biver, D. Bockelé-Morvan, J. Boissier, J. Crovisier, P. Colom, A. Lecacheux, R. Moreno, G. Paubert, D. C. Lis, M. Sumner, et al. Icarus 187:253-271 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Spectrum of Methyl Carbamate [CH3OC(:O)NH2]." P. Groner, M. Winnewisser, I. R. Medvedev, F. C. De Lucia, E. Herbst, and K. V. L. N. Sastry. ApJS 169:28-36 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Production of H3+ via photodissociation of organic molecules in interstellar clouds." S. Pilling, D. P. P. Andrade, R. Neves, A. M. Ferreira-Rodrigues, A. C. F. Santos, and H. M. Boechat-Roberty. MNRAS 375:1488-1494 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Isotopic Fractionation of Nitrogen in Ammonia in the Troposphere of Jupiter." M.-C. Liang, B.-M. Cheng, H.-C. Lu, H.-K. Chen, M. S. Alam, Y.-P. Lee, and Y. L. Yung. ApJ 657:L117-L120 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Chemistry in disks. I. Deep search for N2H+ in the protoplanetary disks around LkCa 15, MWC 480, and DM Tauri." A. Dutrey, T. Henning, S. Guilloteau, D. Semenov, V. Piétu, K. Schreyer, A. Bacmann, R. Launhardt, J. Pety, and F. Gueth. A&A 464:615-623 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Torsionally Excited Methyl Formate in Orion KL." K. Kobayashi, K. Ogata, S. Tsunekawa, and S. Takano. ApJ 657:L17-L19 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Far-Infrared Detection of H2D+ toward Sgr B2." J. Cernicharo, E. Polehampton, and J. R. Goicoechea. ApJ 657:L21-L24 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Laboratory Detection of FeCO+ (X 4Σ-) by Millimeter/Submillimeter Velocity Modulation Spectroscopy." D. T. Halfen and L. M. Ziurys. ApJ 657:L61-L64 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Two different evolutionary types of comets proved by polarimetric and infrared properties of their dust." L. Kolokolova, H. Kimura, N. Kiselev, and V. Rosenbush. A&A 463:1189-1196 (2007). ABSTRACT

February 2007

"Kinetics of Reactions of CCN Radical with Alcohols." Z. Zhu, M. Ji, S. Zhang, L. Pei, and Y. Chen. Chinese J Chem Phys 20:5-11 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical Studies of Aminoacetonitrile Production in the Interstellar Medium." S. Xu and N. Wang. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 23:212-216 (2007). ABSTRACT

"On-line database of the spectral properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons." G. Malloci, C. Joblin and G. Mulas. Chem Phys 332:353-259 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopic Composition of the Sun Inferred from a High-Temperature Solar Nebular Condensate." A. Meibom, A. N. Krot, F. Robert, S. Mostefaoui, S. S. Russell, M. I. Petaev, and M. Gounelle. ApJ 656:L33-L36 (2007). ABSTRACT

"N2-broadening coefficients in the ν2 and ν4 bands of PH3 at low temperature." J.-P. Bouanich and G. Blanquet. J Mol Spectrosc 241:186-191 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Cross sections and low temperature rate coefficients for the H + CH+ reaction: a quasiclassical trajectory study." P. Halvick, T. Stoecklin, P. Larrégaray, and L. Bonnet. Phys Chem Chem Phys 9:582-590 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Millimetre wave spectroscopy of PANHs: phenanthridine." D. McNaughton, P. D. Godfrey, R. D. Brown, and S. Thorwirth. Phys Chem Chem Phys 9:591-595 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Accurate ab initio based multisheeted double many-body expansion potential energy surface for the three lowest electronic singlet states of H3+." L. P. Viegas, A. Alijah, and A. J. C. Varandas. J Chem Phys 126:074309 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Close-coupling calculations of rotational energy transfer in p-H2 + HD." R. A. Sultanov and D. Guster. Chem Phys Lett 436:19-24 (2007) ABSTRACT

"Stepwise hydration of ionized acetylene trimer. Further evidence for the formation of benzene radical cation." P. O. Momoh and M. S. El-Shall. Chem Phys Lett 436:25-29 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical study on the mechanism of the C2H + O reaction." X. Zhao, J. Zhang, J. Liu, X. Li, and Z. Li. Chem Phys Lett 436:41-46 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A spectrum of an extrasolar planet." L. J. Richardson, D. Deming, K. Horning, S. Seager, and J. Harrington. Nature 445:892-895 (2007). ABSTRACT    EXOPLANET SPECTRA

"Evidence for the presence of planetesimal material among the precursors of magnesian chondrules of nebular origin." G. Libourel and A. N. Krot. Earth Planet Sci Lett 254:1-8 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Asymmetric synthesis of amino acid precursors in interstellar complex organics by circularly polarized light." Y. Takano, J. Takahashi, T. Kaneko, K. Marumo, and K. Kobayashi. Earth Planet Sci Lett 254:106-114 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Infrared spectroscopy and photochemistry of NCCN+ and CNCN+ trapped in solid neon." M. E. Jacox and W. E. Thompson. J Chem Phy 126:054308 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Photolysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Water and Ice Surfaces." T. F. Kahan and D. J. Donaldson. J Phys Chem A 111:1277-1285 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The 2-μm spectroscopy of Huygens probe landing site on Titan with Very Large Telescope/Nasmyth Adaptive Optics System Near-Infrared Imager and Spectrograph." A. Negrão, M. Hirtzig, A. Coustenis, E. Gendron, P. Drossart, P. Rannou, M. Combes, and V. Boudon. J Geophys Res Planets 112:E02S92 (2007). ABSTRACT

"TRAMS: A new dynamic cloud model for Titan's methane clouds." E. L. Barth and S. C. R. Rafkin. Geophys Res Lett 34:L03203 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Mid-Infrared Spectrum of Star-forming Galaxies: Global Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission." J. D. T. Smith, B. T. Draine, D. A. Dale, J. Moustakas, R. C. Kennicutt, Jr., G. Helou, L. Armus, H. Roussel, K. Sheth, G. J. Bendo, B. A. Buckalew, D. Calzetti, C. W. Engelbracht, K. D. Gordon, D. J. Hollenbach, A. Li, S. Malhotra, E. J. Murphy, and F. Walter. ApJ 656:770-791 (2007). ABSTRACT

"HCN versus HCO+ as Dense Molecular Gas Mass Tracers in Luminous Infrared Galaxies." P. P. Papadopoulos. ApJ 656:792-797 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spectropolarimetry of the 3.4 μm Absorption Feature in NGC 1068." R. E. Mason, G. S. Wright, A. Adamson, and Y. Pendleton. ApJ 656:798-804 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Modeling Spitzer Observations of VV Ser. II. An Extended Quantum-heated Nebula and a Disk Shadow." K. M. Pontoppidan, C. P. Dullemond, G. A. Blake, N. J. Evans II, V. C. Geers, P. M. Harvey, and W. Spiesman. ApJ 656:991-1000 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Presolar He and Ne Isotopes in Single Circumstellar SiC Grains." P. R. Heck, K. K. Marhas, P. Hoppe, R. Gallino, H. Baur, and R. Wieler. ApJ 656:1208-1222 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Characterization of Presolar Silicate and Oxide Grains in Primitive Carbonaceous Chondrites." A. N. Nguyen, F. J. Stadermann, E. Zinner, R. M. Stroud, C. M. O'D. Alexander, and L. R. Nittler. ApJ 656:1223-1240 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Methane and related trace species on Mars: Origin, loss, implications for life, and habitability." S. K. Atreya, P. R. Mahaffy, and A.-S. Wong. P&SS 55:358-369 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Electronic absorption spectra of the protonated polyacetylenes HC2nH2+ (n=3,4) in the gas phase." A. Dzhonson, E. B. Jochnowitz, E. Kim, and J. P. Maier. J Chem Phys 126:044301 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Microcanonical statistical study of ortho-para conversion in the reaction H3+ + H2 → (H5+)* → H3+ + H2 at very low energies." K. Park and J. C. Light. J Chem Phys 126:044305 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Electron irradiation of crystalline and amorphous D2O ice." W. Zheng, D. Jewitt, and R. I. Kaiser. Chem Phys Lett 435:289-294 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Spectroscopic evidence of interstellar solid hydrogen." J. Schaefer. Chem Phys 332:211-224 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A quantum chemical study of the N2H+ + e- → N2 + H reaction. I: The linear dissociation path." D. Talbi. Chem Phys 332:298-303 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Cold CO Gas in Protoplanetary Disks." Y. Aikawa. ApJ 656:L93-L96 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Hot corinos in NGC 1333-IRAS4B and IRAS2A." S. Bottinelli, C. Ceccarelli, J. P. Williams, and B. Lefloch. A&A 463:601-610 (2007). ABSTRACT

"IRAS 08572+3915: constraining the aromatic versus aliphatic content of interstellar HACs." E. Dartois, T. R. Geballe, T. Pino, A.-T. Cao, A. Jones, D. Deboffle, V. Guerrini, P. Bréchignac, and L. d'Hendecourt. A&A 463:635-640 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Silicate absorption in heavily obscured galaxy nuclei." P. F. Roche, C. Packham, D. K. Aitken, and R. E. Mason. MNRAS 375:99-104 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Infrared Spectroscopy of Calcium-Aluminium-rich Inclusions: Analog Material for Protoplanetary Dust?" T. Posch, H. Mutschke, M. Trieloff, and T. Henning. ApJ 656:615-620 (2007). ABSTRACT

"An Experimental Approach to the Prediction of Complete Millimeter and Submillimeter Spectra at Astrophysical Temperatures: Applications to Confusion-limited Astrophysical Observations." I. R. Medvedev and F. C. De Lucia. ApJ 656:621-628 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Chemistry and line emission from evolving Herbig Ae disks." B. Jonkheid, C. P. Dullemond, M. R. Hogerheijde, and E. F. van Dishoeck. A&A 463:203-216 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Enceladus: Cassini observations and implications for the search for life." C. D. Parkinson, M.-C. Liang, H. Hartman, C. J. Hansen, G. Tinetti, V. Meadows, J. L. Kirschvink, and Y. L. Yung. A&A 463:353-357 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecules, ices and astronomy." D. A. Williams, W. A. Brown, S. D. Price, J. M. C. Rawlings, and S. Viti. Astron. Geophys. 48(1):25-34 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Organics-glued dust aggregates in Halley's coma and some implications of the snow line inward motion for the formation of comets." P. Oberc. Icarus 186:303-316 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Oxygen compounds in Titan's stratosphere as observed by Cassini CIRS." R. de Kok, P. G. J. Irwin, N. A. Teanby, E. Lellouch, B. Bézard, S. Vinatier, C. A. Nixon, L. Fletcher, C. Howett, S. B. Calcutt, N. E. Bowles, F. M. Flasar, and F. W. Taylor. Icarus 186:354-363 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Vertical profiles of HCN, HC3N, and C2H2 in Titan's atmosphere derived from Cassini/CIRS data." N. A. Teanby, P. G. J. Irwin, R. de Kok, S. Vinatier, B. Bézard, C. A. Nixon, F. M. Flasar, S. B. Calcutt, N. E. Bowles, L. Fletcher, C. Howett, and F. W. Taylor. Icarus 186:364-384 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Serpentinization and the inorganic synthesis of H2 in planetary surfaces." C. Oze and M. Sharma. Icarus 186:557-561 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of HCO+ Emission toward the Planetary Nebula K3-35." D. Tafoya, Y. Gómez, G. Anglada, L. Loinard, J. M. Torrelles, L. F. Miranda, M. Osorio, R. Franco-Hernández, L.-Á. Nyman, J. Nakashima, and S. Deguchi. AJ 133:364-369 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Optical Spectroscopy of the Large Kuiper Belt Objects 136472 (2005 FY9) and 136108 (2003 EL61)." S. C. Tegler, W. M. Grundy, W. Romanishin, G. J. Consolmagno, K. Mogren, and F. Vilas. AJ 133:526-530 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Pluto's Spectrum from 1.0 to 4.2 μm: Implications for Surface Properties." C. B. Olkin, E. F. Young, L. A. Young, W. Grundy, B. Schmitt, A. Tokunaga, T. Owen, T. Roush, and H. Terada. AJ 133:420-431 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Detection of HNC and tentative detection of CN at z = 3.9." M. Guélin, P. Salomé, R. Neri, S. García-Burillo, J. Graciá-Carpio, J. Cernicharo, P. Cox, P. Planesas, P. M. Solomon, L. J. Tacconi, and P. Vanden Bout. A&A 462:L45-L48 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Ro-vibrational excitation of CS by He." F. Lique and A. Spielfiedel. A&A 462:1179-1185 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Effects of CO2 on H2O band profiles and band strengths in mixed H2O:CO2 ices." K. I. Öberg, H. J. Fraser, A. C. A. Boogert, S. E. Bisschop, G. W. Fuchs, E. F. van Dishoeck, and H. Linnartz. A&A 462:1187-1198 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical evaluation of PAH dication properties." G. Malloci, C. Joblin, and G. Mulas. A&A 462:627-635 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The shape and composition of interstellar silicate grains." M. Min, L. B. F. M. Waters, A. de Koter, J. W. Hovenier, L. P. Keller, and F. Markwick-Kemper. A&A 462:667-676 (2007). ABSTRACT    ERRATUM    COMMENT

"Rotational excitation of HOCO+ by helium at low temperature." K. Hammami, F. Lique, N. Jaïdane, Z. Ben Lakhdar, A. Spielfiedel, and N. Feautrier. A&A 462:789-794 (2007). ABSTRACT

January 2007

"Fundamental data on the desorption of pure interstellar ices." W. A. Brown and A. S. Bolina. MNRAS 374:1006-1014 (2007) ABSTRACT

"Radiation-induced racemization and amplification of chirality: implications for comets and meteorites." F. Cataldo. Int J Astrobio 6:1-10 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical study of prebiotic precursors-2: about glycine, its N-carboxyanhydride and their protonated ions." M. Lattelais, Y. Ellinger and B. Zanda. Int J Astrobio 6:37-49 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Planetary science: Inside Enceladus." J. Spencer and D. Grinspoon. Nature 445:376-377 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Role of photoionization in the formation of complex organic molecules in Titan's upper atmosphere." H. Imanaka and . A. Smith. Geophys Res Lett 34:L02204 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Organic Chemistry in the Dark Clouds L1448 and L183: A Unique Grain Mantle Composition." M. A. Requena-Torres, N. Marcelino, I. Jiménez-Serra, J. Martín-Pintado, S. Martín, and R. Mauersberger. ApJ 655:L37-L40 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Benzene Formation in the Inner Regions of Protostellar Disks." P. M. Woods and K. Willacy. ApJ 655:L49-L52 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Rotational Spectra of the Carbon Chain Negative Ions C4H- and C8H-." H. Gupta, S. Brünken, F. Tamassia, C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, and P. Thaddeus. ApJ 655:L57-L60 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Abundance of Carbon Dioxide Ice in the Quiescent Intracloud Medium." D. C. B. Whittet, S. S. Shenoy, E. A. Bergin, J. E. Chiar, P. A. Gerakines, E. L. Gibb, G. J. Melnick, and D. A. Neufeld. ApJ 655:332-341 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Correlated Iron 60, Nickel 62, and Zirconium 96 in Refractory Inclusions and the Origin of the Solar System." G. Quitté, A. N. Halliday, B. S. Meyer, A. Markowski, C. Latkoczy, and D. Günther. ApJ 655:678-684 (2007). ABSTRACT

"A Search for biomolecules in Sagittarius B2 (LMH) with the Australia Telescope Compact Array." P. A. Jones, M. R. Cunningham, P. D. Godfrey, and D. M. Cragg. MNRAS 374:579-589 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The depletion of NO in pre-protostellar cores." M. Akyilmaz, D. R. Flower, P. Hily-Blant, G. Pineau des Forêts, and C. M. Walmsley. A&A 462:221-230 (2007). ABSTRACT

"The Formaldehyde Masers in Sgr B2: Very Long Baseline Array and Very Large Array Observations." I. M. Hoffman, W. M. Goss, and P. Palmer. ApJ 654:971-977 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Molecular Abundances in CRL 618." J. R. Pardo and J. Cernicharo. ApJ 654:978-987 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Fine-Structure Excitation of O I and C I by Impact with Atomic Hydrogen." E. Abrahamsson, R. V. Krems, and A. Dalgarno. ApJ 654:1171-1174 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Abundances and Behavior of 12CO, 13CO, and C2 in Translucent Sight Lines." P. Sonnentrucker, D. E. Welty, J. A. Thorburn, and D. G. York. ApJS 168:58-99 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Atomic and Molecular Opacities for Brown Dwarf and Giant Planet Atmospheres." C. M. Sharp and A. Burrows. ApJS 168:140-166 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Methane and Ethane on the bright Kuiper Belt Object 2005 FY9." M. E. Brown, K. M. Barkume, G. A. Blake, E. L. Schaller, D. L. Rabinowitz, H. G. Roe, and C. A. Trujillo. AJ 133:284-289 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Laboratory Investigations on the Infrared Absorptions of Germanium-bearing Molecules-Directing the Identification of Organo-Germanium Molecules in the Atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn." W. Carrier, Y. Osamura, W. Zheng, and R. I. Kaiser. ApJ 654:687-692 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Reactions of neutral interstellar species." S. Ekern, L. Gomez, J. Szczepanski and M. Vala. Chem Phys 331:219-231 (2007). ABSTRACT

"CN, C2 radicals and dust in Comets Shoemaker-Levy 1991 T2 and P/deVico 1995 S1." W. Waniak, M. Winiarski, P. Magdziarz, and T. Kundera. Icarus 186:178-191 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Variability in the H3+ emission of Saturn: Consequences for ionisation rates and temperature." H. Melin, S. Miller, T. Stallard, L. M. Trafton, and T. R. Geballe. Icarus 186:214-241 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Theoretical study on the potential energy surface of SiC2O." H.-L. Liu, X.-R. Huang and C.-C. Sun. J Mol Struct THEOCHEM 802:59-65 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Chemical differentiation in regions of high-mass star formation. CS, dust, and N2H+ in southern sources." L. Pirogov, I. Zinchenko, P. Caselli, and L. E. B. Johansson. A&A 461:523-535 (2007). ABSTRACT

"Time-dependent H2 formation and protonation in diffuse clouds." H. S. Liszt. A&A 461:205-214 (2007). ABSTRACT

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